Day Middle School

The City of Newton and Newton Public Schools are working this summer to improve the safety of walking and biking to school in light of COVID. Day Middle School has merited particular attention since it is the largest of Newton's middle schools and given its placement in its district should be quite walkable. There is an entrance on Minot Place and a second entrance facing Albemarle. Please see below for walking, biking, bus and remote pick-up/drop-off ideas.

Are you interested in learning more about helping your student get to school on foot or by bike in the fall? Please fill out this form: Walking & Biking to School Form

Minot Place

Day Middle School has a dedicated crossing guard at Minot Place at arrival and dismissal and a curb bump-out to narrow Walnut St. to reduce the amount of time students are in the street with traffic. Please cross Walnut St. either at the new flashing light (RRFB) at Linwood and Walnut or with the crossing guard at Minot Place.

Bike Parking

Day's six bike racks are currently at the rear of the school on the park side. We are working on finding a site in the front of the school or at Linwood Park for bikes.

Remember to ALWAYS lock your bike.

Trails to Day

Day Middle School is built on a former golf course. Some of the trails still exist and, though unpaved, many students use then to walk and bike to school. You can find these on Open Street Maps. Details on routes below.

Red Routes

The pedestrian bridge at Cheesecake Brook was removed; a temporary solution will be in place by mid-October. Meanwhile use Albemarle. There is a contiguous sidewalk on the park side of the street, and a paved sidewalk to the Day campus.

Yellow Route

Route is on an old fire road along west side of Avery Woods. Walk in the grass to the path to Day. There are also some walking routes through Avery Woods that lead into the parking lot.

Orange Route

Stay on west side of woods headed south and take a left headed east. Followed the paved drive up the hill to Edinboro St. There is a public right of way along 142/144 Edinboro.

Remote Drop-Off/Pick-Up

If you must drive, find an area to drop off and pick up away from the school to avoid getting caught in school traffic and to make it safer for your peers. This also prioritizes access for those students who do need to be driven.

Some suggestions: the new Blue Zone on Watertown St. and Linwood east of Crafts. There is also a new Blue Zone on Wlanut St. for a stretch on both sides near 1000 Walnut St.


Day Middle School is served by both yellow school buses and MBTA buses.

Yellow School Bus. Check out bus routes and schedule for Day and an interactive map of NPS bus stops by school. Visit the NPS School Transportation webpage for more information.

METCO students will find their bus stops and additional information here.

MBTA. Below are the bus routes that serve Day.

  • Bus 556 - Walnut and Linwood

  • Bus 59 - Walnut and Watertown

  • Bus 553, 554 - Washington and Walnut

Student Charlie Card. Students can pick up a (free) student Charlie Card that allows them to ride the MBTA at a reduced rate. Normally the card is available at both the Day main office and the NPS Transportation Office at the Ed Center. Details of how they will be distributed will be forthcoming. More information here.