PDF/KINDLE)DOWNLOAD The Hohokam Millennium [BOOK] by Suzanne K. Fish

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The Hohokam Millennium PDF

by : Suzanne K. Fish

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Book Description:

For a thousand years they flourished in the arid lands now part of Arizona. They built extensive waterworks, ballcourts, and platform mounds, made beautiful pottery and jewelry, and engaged in wide-ranging trade networks. Then, slowly, their civilization faded and transmuted into something no longer Hohokam. Are today s Tohono O odham their heirs or their conquerors? The mystery and the beauty of Hohokam civilization are the subjects of the essays in this volume. Written by archaeologists who have led the effort to excavate, record, and preserve the remnants of this ancient culture, the chapters illuminate the way the Hohokam organized their households and their communities, their sophisticated pottery and textiles, their irrigation system, the huge ballcourts and platform mounds they built, and much more."

Book Detail:

Title: The Hohokam Millennium

Author : Suzanne K. Fish

Pages : 168

Publisher : School for Advanced Research Press

Language : eng

ISBN : 1930618816