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The Chumash World at European Contact: Power, Trade, and Feasting Among Complex Hunter-Gatherers PDF

by : Lynn H. Gamble

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Book Description:

When Spanish explorers and missionaries came onto Southern California's shores in 1769, they encountered the large towns and villages of the Chumash, a people who at that time were among the most advanced hunter-gatherer societies in the world. The Spanish were entertained and fed at lavish feasts hosted by chiefs who ruled over the settlements and who participated in extensive social and economic networks. In this first modern synthesis of data from the Chumash heartland, Lynn H. Gamble weaves together multiple sources of evidence to re-create the rich tapestry of Chumash society. Drawing from archaeology, historical documents, ethnography, and ecology, she describes daily life in the large mainland towns, focusing on Chumash culture, household organization, politics, economy, warfare, and more.

Book Detail:

Title: The Chumash World at European Contact: Power, Trade, and Feasting Among Complex Hunter-Gatherers

Author : Lynn H. Gamble

Pages : 376

Publisher : University of California Press

Language :

ISBN : 0520271246