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Read and download A Desolate Place for a Defiant People: The Archaeology of Maroons, Indigenous Americans, and Enslaved Laborers in the Great Dismal Swamp in PDF, EPub, Mobi, Kindle online. Free book Behind Your Smiles: Eternity Publishing by Daniel Sayers.

A Desolate Place for a Defiant People: The Archaeology of Maroons, Indigenous Americans, and Enslaved Laborers in the Great Dismal Swamp PDF

by : Daniel Sayers

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Download [PDF] Atlantis The Find of a Lifetime [download]_p.d.f by Christos A. Djonis

Download [PDF] African Temples of the Anunnaki The Lost Technologies of the Gold Mines of Enki EPUB)DOWNLOAD by Michael Tellinger

Read and download African Temples of the Anunnaki: The Lost Technologies of the Gold Mines of Enki in PDF, EPub, Mobi, Kindle online. Free book Behind Your Smiles: Eternity Publishing by Michael Tellinger.

African Temples of the Anunnaki: The Lost Technologies of the Gold Mines of Enki PDF

by : Michael Tellinger

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Book Description:

Archaeological proof of the advanced civilization on the southern tip of Africa that preceded Sumer and Egypt by 200,000 years • Includes more than 250 original full-color photographs of South Africa’s circular stone ruins, ancient roads, prehistoric mines, large pyramids, and the first Sphinx • Reveals how these 200,000-year-old sites perfectly match Sumerian descriptions of the gold mining operations of the Anunnaki and the city of Enki • Shows how the extensive stone circle complexes are the remains of Tesla-like technology used to generate energy and carve tunnels straight into the Earth With more than 250 original full-color photographs, Michael Tellinger documents thousands of circular stone ruins, monoliths, ancient roads, agricultural terraces, and prehistoric mines in South Africa. He reveals how these 200,000-year-old sites perfectly match Sumerian descriptions of Abzu, the land of the First People--including the vast gold-mining operations of the Anunnaki from the 12th planet, Nibiru, and the city of Anunnaki leader Enki. With aerial photographs, Tellinger shows how the extensive stone circle and road complexes are laid out according to the principles of sacred geometry and represent the remains of Tesla-like technology used to generate energy and carve immensely long tunnels straight into the Earth in search of gold--tunnels that still exist and whose origins had been a mystery until now. He reveals, with photographic evidence, that the human civilization spawned by the Anunnaki was the first to create many totems of ancient Egypt, such as the Horus bird, the Sphinx, the Ankh, and large pyramids, as well as construct an accurate stone calendar, at the heart of their civilization, aligned with the Orion constellation. He explores how their petroglyphs, carved into the hardest rock, are nearly identical to the hieroglyphs of Sumerian seals. Mapping thousands of square miles of continuous settlements and three urban centers--each one larger than modern-day Los Angeles--Tellinger provides the physical proof of Zecharia Sitchin’s theories on the Anunnaki origins of humanity.

Book Detail:

Title: African Temples of the Anunnaki: The Lost Technologies of the Gold Mines of Enki

Author : Michael Tellinger

Pages : 240

Publisher : Bear Company

Language : eng

ISBN : 1591431506

Read and download Atlantis: The Find of a Lifetime in PDF, EPub, Mobi, Kindle online. Free book Behind Your Smiles: Eternity Publishing by Christos A. Djonis.

Atlantis: The Find of a Lifetime PDF

by : Christos A. Djonis

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Book Description:

After years of extensive research, in conjunction with new archeological evidence, and with the aid of satellite technology, Christos A. Djonis credibly reveals that Plato based his story of Atlantis on a real prehistoric setting, now beneath 400 feet of water. Never before has there been a real discovery where all the physical characteristics of a proposed location matched Plato's description of Atlantis. Not even the original Santorini hypothesis could sufficiently meet the given criteria. We now have a real discovery where all the physical characteristics, along with Plato's given chronology, flawlessly match, and they are precisely in the exact order as Plato depicted. Moreover, DNA and archaeological evidence of an advanced Neolithic civilization occupying the prehistoric submerged island, at around 9600 BC, further confirm a perfect case scenario.

Book Detail:

Title: Atlantis: The Find of a Lifetime

Author : Christos A. Djonis

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Book Description:

“Shows how colonialism and slavery created sustained critiques of American capitalism and created the conditions for chronic resistance. These communities represent a largely unrecognized, alternative declaration of independence. They are a part of world history that is truly revolutionary.”—Mark P. Leone, author of The Archaeology of Liberty in an American Capital  “Addresses key historical and theoretical debates of the archaeology of the African diaspora. Theoretically complex and methodologically rigorous, it is the first serious study to locate maroon groups in the Chesapeake.”—Frederick H. Smith, author of The Archaeology of Alcohol and Drinking  “Sayers uses archaeology to tell a compelling story of how alienated people found refuge in the alien landscape of the Great Dismal Swamp. Here they created their own way of life, free of the exploitation and alienation that they escaped. His work helps us to better understand the history of defiance in the Antebellum South and raises important theoretical issues for all archaeologists studying diasporic communities.”—Randall H. McGuire, author of Archaeology as Political Action  In the 250 years before the Civil War, the Great Dismal Swamp of Virginia and North Carolina was a brutal landscape—2,000 square miles of undeveloped and unforgiving wetlands, peat bogs, impenetrable foliage, and dangerous creatures. It was also a protective refuge for marginalized individuals, including Native Americans, African-American maroons, free African Americans, and outcast Europeans. In the first thorough archaeological examination of this unique region, Daniel Sayers exposes and unravels the complex social and economic systems developed by these defiant communities that thrived on the periphery. He develops an analytical framework based on the complex interplay between alienation, diasporic exile, uneven geographical development, and modes of production to argue that colonialism and slavery inevitably created sustained critiques of American capitalism.Â

Book Detail:

Title: A Desolate Place for a Defiant People: The Archaeology of Maroons, Indigenous Americans, and Enslaved Laborers in the Great Dismal Swamp

Author : Daniel Sayers

Pages : 288

Publisher : University Press of Florida

Language :

ISBN : 081306192X