Who We Are
Mission Statement
New Hope United Church serves God through the provision of spiritual leadership and fellowship to friends, family, neighbours and community-at-large in a welcoming, supportive and uplifting environment. We accomplish this mission through Sunday worship, pastoral care, social events, and community outreach.
Worship Services
Come join our faith community for weekly Sunday Services at 10 AM. We are an accessible vibrant welcoming community of all ages that learn about the Good News of God's love in Christ while we pray, sing and share time together. We offer a hybrid service (via Zoom and in person) allowing for real time community sharing and touch points with those unable to attend in person. Our services combine music (hymns and choir anthems), scripture, prayers and messages from our minister. Rev. Calvin Stone, our minister, helps us to understand the scriptures and relate it to our lives. Communion is served seasonally to all attendees. Fellowship before, during (Passing the Peace) and after church (coffee in the lower hall) enhances the social opportunities.
Mobility Needs: Entry Ramp at front door and downstairs. Accessible washroom.
Hearing Needs: Headphones available for hearing impaired
Visual Needs: Large print hymn books and bulletins *
Dietary Needs: Gluten-free Communion bread and refreshments
Youth Ministry
We welcome people of all ages to the Church. There is a children's space at the back of the Church for children to sit and do activities during the service if they wish. During the service, The Minister invites the young people to the front of the Church for a mini-message. We hope to restart Sunday School in the future.