Useful Things

What does my child need for P.E?

Shorts, polo shirt or t-shirt, and gym shoes (we would advise slip on or Velcro shoes at this stage).  Children who have long hair should bring something to tie their hair back during PE.  Each child will also need a named bag to keep their gym kit in.  The children can purchase t-shirts in their house colours if they wish.  

The houses are 

ALPHA- yellow, 



DELTA- green.  

Your child's house will be shared with you soon.

Children should bring a named water bottle with them to school and are permitted to have a drink as is necessary during the day. Please fill your child’s bottle with water only- not juice.  

Please also provide a named apron for in school for water, paint and messy play.

A small colouring book is very useful for wet weather playtimes.