Vote Malinowski


This ad was not sponsored or endorsed by Tom Malinowski.

Malinowski is a representative of the people. He started running not for tax money or publicity, but for you. Malinowski is unbeholden to PAC's bribes and will fight for what you want. He stands with a woman's right to choose, gun reform, and has fought and will fight for our healthcare. During this time, Malinowski is fighting tooth and nail to ensure the safety of his people. He's working across party lines to make sure we get the coverage that we need so desperately right now. Malinowski doesn't see red or blue, rich or poor, he sees New Jersey and has worked to fight for key infrastructure that our front-line workers need to combat this virus. He is also fighting for issues such as unemployment, pre-existing conditions, and against the rushed Supreme Court nomination all for the people of New Jersey. He has your interests at heart. He will make sure that the rest of the country hears the voice of New Jersey loud and clear. Malinowski will help us bounce back and move forwards, stronger than ever.

Sources Used for this Advertisement - Malinowski's YouTube channel for reference to his ads - Malinowski on Justice Barrett's nomination - Picture about the Gateway Rail Project

+ Any other information and issues covered previously on the website.