What Metaphysics - What Does Metaphysical Mean

Some might find it hard to describe what metaphysics is or what does metaphysical mean. Some believe it’s the knowledge and the power that is in all of us, ready for us to tap into when we’ve evolved enough to not misuse that energy. Some have described metaphysics as a branch of philosophy, mainly exploring the connection between mind and matter. 

If we consider that the ancient Greek word ‘meta’ translates as ‘after’, then that implies the full word means after physics. Some believe the term was first used by an editor of Aristotle’s works to describe the difference between physics, the physical world that changes, and metaphysics, which does not change.

Whatever the true origins, the general perception these days about what metaphysics is and what does metaphysical mean, hasn’t really changed from the original coining of that phrase - it encompasses the fundamental principals of reality and being, which does not change. 

A book that explores that in more detail is Star Bred Prophecy, which also raises some thought provoking questions about our role in the universe.

The above link is for the e book version and it’s also available in amazon paperback books.