UFO Extraterrestrial Alien Being

What’s the difference between an extraterrestrial being and an extraterrestrial alien? Short answer - nothing. When we hear reports of a ufo extraterrestrial, the description of the being is often humanoid in appearance, but as soon as we hear the term alien, we tend to go into fear mode.

It’s amazing how much a term can conjure up images of a benevolent or malevolent being. Maybe it’s just a natural human reaction to the unknown, but is there anything to fear, except fear itself? From that perspective, maybe we’re our own worst enemies.

Reports of extraterrestrial encounters have been reported in increasing numbers since the dawn of our nuclear age. Some believe that our experiments with nuclear power was the drawcard that attracted attention from other quarters of the galaxy. Be that as it may, the numerous reports of close encounters can’t be ignored.

If, in fact, there are extraterrestrial races visiting our earth, do we have anything to fear from them? If we take into consideration their seemingly advanced technical development, which appears to be well in advance of ours, then they could have invaded at any time. The fact that they haven’t would imply they’re more curious than anything, observing us to see that we don’t misuse our newfound power.

So, if we describe such visitors as a ufo extraterrestrial alien or alternatively as an extraterrestrial being, the term might be more how we perceive it, either as a threat or a curious encounter.

A book that explores that in more detail is Star Bred Prophecy, which also raises some thought provoking questions about our role in the universe.

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