New Age Metaphysical Spirituality

New age metaphysical spirituality encompasses the belief systems of many religions and occult practices. It isn’t in itself a religion as such because its reach is very broad, not confined to any one belief system. The term new age was coined long ago, but gained popularity in the late sixties and seventies. However, there isn’t a new age as such, just a remembering of powers that all of us have.

That’s where some confusion arises, particularly in the religious minded, where they can’t slot someone into a specific group, so it tends to be described in the nebulous term of new age. However, those who are more into that way of thinking tend to describe themselves as spiritually minded - and that’s where metaphysical spirituality is perhaps a better term.

It is more of a science or philosophy based on the life and teachings of the great masters that have come throughout history, rather than the interpreted teachings that arise from the religions that formed after those masters had departed. It also encompasses a very broad spectrum of teachings, some of which are not condoned by the more conservative minded.

The so-called new age metaphysical spirituality can also encompass ideas beyond our earth plane, including the possibility of extraterrestrial interplay with our planetary development. One book that explores that possibility is  Star Bred Prophecy, which delves into the metaphysical side of our existence in the material realm. The above link is for the e book version and it’s also available in amazon paperback books.