NIS (neuropathy impairment score) exam

Scoring, muscle weakness (NIS)

The Neuropathy Impairment Scoring System (NIS) strength: 0=normal; 1=25% weak (MRC equivalent= 5-); 2=50% weak (MRC equivalent 4+); 3=75% weak (MRC equivalent 4-); 3.25%=movement against gravity (MRC equivalent 3); 3.5=movement, gravity eliminated (MRC equivalent 2); 3.75; flicker of movement (MRC equivalent 1) 4=complete paralysis (MRC equivalent 0). 



Visual Acuity 


0 Pupil light reflex 

0 Hearing loss 

Right Cranial Left 

Strength Strength 

0 3rd nerve 0 

4th nerve  

 6th nerve 0 

 Facial weakness 0 

Temporal-Masseter 0 

Forehead 0 

Orbicularis Oculi 0 

Orbicularis Oris 0 

0 * Palate weakness 0 

0 Sternocleidomastoid 0 

0 Trapezius 0 

0 * Tongue weakness 0 

Right Cervical Left 

Strength Strength 

0 * Neck flexion 0 

0 Neck extension 0 

0 Infraspinatus 0 

0 Supraspinatus 0 

0 Pectoralis 0 

0 * Deltoid 0 

0 * Elbow flexion 0 

0 * Brachioradialis 0 

0 * Elbow extension 0 

0 * Wrist extension 0 

0 * Wrist flexion 0 

0 Supinator 0 

0 Pronator 0 

0 Finger extension 0 

0 * Finger flexion 0 

0 * Thumb abduction 0 

0 Thumb flexion 0 

0 * Finger spread 0 

0 Hypothenar 0 

0 Abdominal muscles 0 

0 * Respiratory 0 

Right Lumbosacral Left 

Strength Strength 

-3.75 * Hip flexion -2 

-3 * Hip extension -1 

Hip internal rotation 

-3 Hip adduction -1 

-3 Hip abduction -1 

-3.75 * Knee extension -2 

-3.25 * Knee flexion -2 

-4 * Ankle dorsiflexors -4 

-3 * Ankle plantar flexors -4 

-4 * Toe extensors -4 

-3 * Toe flexors -4 

-3 Extensor hallicus -4 

Ankle evertors 

Ankle invertors 

Scoring, reflexes (* NIS)

NIS (Normal= 0 or above 0; Reduced= -1 to -3; Absent=-4)

Right Reflexes Left 

-1 * Biceps brachii -1 

-1 * Brachioradialis -1 

-1 * Triceps brachii -1 

0 Hoffmann 0 

-4 * Quadriceps femoris -2 

-4 * Gastroc. soleus -4 


Plantar response 

Scoring, sensation (* NIS)

NIS (Normal= 0 or above 0; Reduced= -1 to -3; Absent=-4)

Right Sensation - Index finger Left 

0 * Touch-pressure 0 

* Pin-prick 



* Vibration 

0 * Joint position 0 

Right Sensation - Great Toe Left 

-1 * Touch-pressure -1 

* Pin-prick 



* Vibration 

-1 * Joint position -4 

SUMMED SCORES (0 is normal)

Strength (Range) Reflex (Range) Sensation (Range) Total

Score (Range) 


Scores 65.75 (0-376) 20 (0-64) 7 (0-96) 92.75 (0-536)