Muscular dystrophies


In 2018, the European Neuromuscular Centre refined the definition of LGMD to include the following criteria:


Limb girdle muscular dystrophies are a group of genetically inherited muscle disease that primarily affects skeletal muscle leading to progressive, predominantly proximal muscle weakness at presentation. To be considered a form of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy the condition must be described in at least two unrelated families with affected individuals achieving independent walking, must have an elevated serum creatine kinase activity, must demonstrate degenerative changes on muscle imaging over the course of the disease, and have dystrophic changes on muscle histology, ultimately leading to end-stage pathology for the most affected muscles.

Changed nomenclature:

New Nomenclature

Left out: 

Genes, Protein Products, and Old Nomenclature of Other Myopathies With Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Phenotype

Old Classification of Muscular dystrophies

X-linked Recessive Dystrophies

Autosomal Dominant Dystrophies

Autosomal recessive LGMD (LGMD2)

The AAN and AANEM, emphasize the importance of genetic testing to identify specific types of dystrophy. The guideline provides algorithms for diagnosis:

Autosomal dominant LGMD: usually late onset, slower course, CK is not as much elevated as in AR LGMD.  Less cardiac or respiratory involvement when compared to autosomal recessive forms.  Represent 10% of all LGMDs.

LGMD1A (Myotilin) MYOT

LGMD1B (Lamin A/C)

LGMD1C (Caveolin-3)


LGMD1E  (Desmin)

LGMD 1F (Transportin 3)



Autosomal recessive LGMD (LGMD2)

LMGD2A/LGMDR1 - calpain-3 deficiency (CAPN3 gene). 15q15.1

LGMD2C, 2D, 2E, and 2F - sarcoglycanopathies

LGMD2G - Telethonin, (TCAP) 17q12 

LGMD2H - E3-ubiquitin ligase, 9q33.1, TRIM 32 defect.

LGMD2I/ LGMDR9 (FKRP), 19q13.3

LGMD2J - Titin (TTN gene mutation), 2q31.2 - Finnish population

Hereditary Myopathy with Early Respiratory Failure (HMERF) (Titin)

Secondary alpha-dystroglycanopathies:


LGMD2L/LGMDR12- ANO5 gene mutation,  Miyoshi myopathy type 3, 11p14.3

LGMD2M - FKTN, 9q31.2, Fukuyama muscular dystrophy

LGMD2N - POMT2, 14q24.3


LGMD2P (alpha-dystroglycan), DAG1

LGMD2Q - PLEC1, 8q24.3

LGMD2R, 2q35, Desmin

LGMD2S, 4q35.1, TRAPPC11

LGMD2T GMPPB, 3p21.31, GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase B

A congenital muscular dystrophy characterized by severe muscle weakness apparent in infancy and mental retardation. Some patients may have additional features, such as microcephaly, cardiac dysfunction, seizures, or cerebellar hypoplasia .

LGMD R21/LGMD2Z caused by POGLUT1 mutation

General Information: Muscular dystrophies are genetic, progressive, degenerative disorders of muscle. 

FSHD is an autosomal dominant disorder.  Although 70% to 90% of patients have a family history of FSHD, up to 20% of cases are sporadic.  It is one of the most prevalent muscular dystrophies, with a world-wide prevalence range of 2–7:100,000). It is considered the 3rd most common muscular dystrophy after DMD (Duchene), and DM1 (Myotonic dystrophy). 

Incidence: 4 per million.  Prevalence: 50 per million.   

Symptoms and Signs: Muscle weakness is the primary symptom. Weakness spreads rostrocaudally with onset in the face, then the scapular region, followed by the proximal arms, and lasting the legs.

Onset of disease usually occurs in the patient’s teens, and 90% of patients show signs of disease by 20 years of age.   Range (3-44 years), but onset as late as age 75 has been reported.   They are cases of incomplete penetrance, however.  There is a variable degree of penetrance of clinical findings within families, while around 30% of affected family members are unaware of their deficits.  Thus, it is very important to examine family members of patients suspected to have FSHD.

In FSHD, there is predominant involvement of facial, periscapular, biceps, and triceps muscles. The facial involvement commonly manifests as decreased brow furrow; inability to close the eyes or bury the lashes in forced eye closure; a flattened, transverse smile; inability to purse lips or sucking through a straw, or blowing balloons, and inability to tense the platysma. Facial weakness may be strikingly asymmetric and may mimic a seventh cranial nerve palsy (Bell's palsy).  EOM are not impaired.  During sleep the eyes may remain slightly open and the globe may be rolled up (Bell's phenomenon). Ptosis and dysphagia are uncommon.  The mouth loses the normal contour and appears widened with a more horizontal appearance due to the loss of the normal upward curvature of the lower lip.  When viewed from the side, the lips have a pouting (bouche tapir) appearance.  Sometimes a dimple may be seen on either side of the angle of mouth, which deepens when the patient attempts to smile.   Muscles of mastications and EOM are spared. 

Pectoral muscles are distinctly weak, but the deltoid muscles tend to be spared.  Unlike many other muscular dystrophies, asymmetries are typical in FSHD.  Since subtle perioral and periocular weakness is functionally non-limiting early in disease, weakness in the arms, especially in overhead activities, often brings patients to medical attention.  In the shoulder girdle, scapular winging is prominent, and pectoral muscle atrophy leads to reversal of the anterior axillary folds.  Usually, the anterior axillary folds slant outward, toward the shoulder. In FSHD, due to pectoral atrophy and scapular laxity, the anterior axillary folds point inward, toward the neck, and the shoulders often slope downward.  Additionally, patients may have the triple-hump sign, composed of the deltoid muscle, the bones of the shoulder, and the high-riding, winged scapula. These findings are depicted in the figures. There is wasting of the neck muscles and the medial end of the clavicles jut forwards, forming a distinct step at the base of the neck.  The droop in the shoulders result in the clavicles to run horizontally or to slope downwards.  The deltoid is spared, while the biceps and triceps are wasted. The arm may look slender with a bulky cap formed by the deltoid and bulky forearm giving the description of "Popeye" arm.  In severe cases (infantile and juvenile), the wrist extensors may be weak and produces a wrist drop. The wrist flexors have normal strength and maintain it while the lower extremity muscles are affected.  The inability to extend the wrist results in another characteristic posture adopted by patient with FSHD, the so-called "praying mantis" position.  

The pattern of shoulder and arm weakness in FSHD is different from that of limb-girdle dystrophy. The selective weakness of biceps and involvement of deltoid in LGMD is helpful to make the differentiation.  A study of 108 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy patients with scapular involvement that used magnetic resonance imaging found that scapular muscles were affected in the following percentage of patients: trapezius 100%, serratus anterior 85%, rhomboids 55%, supraspinatus 4%, subscapularis 3%.

FSHD often involves the limbs in a very asymmetric fashion. It is not unusual to see one arm or leg severely involved while the other maintains reasonable strength. In the lower extremities, the ankle dorsiflexors weaken before proximal leg muscles in most patients.  The posterior compartment muscles are relatively preserved and therefore, the gastrocnemius is much stronger than the anterior tibialis and peronei muscles. There is preservation of the posterior tibial muscle which often leads to intorsion of the the foot while walking and , eventually, to a permanent equinovarus deformity of the foot. 

Patients with FSHD have trouble getting up when laying in a supine position. They tend to roll side-ways and use their arms to pull themselves up. There is presence of a positive Beevor's sign. This is elicited by asking the patient with FSHD to lift their heads and shoulders from the bed, when in laying in supine position. One will notice that the umbilicus of the patient is drawn several inches rostrally, dramatically. This affect is due to lower abdominal muscle weakness seen in FSHD and in contrast selective sparing of upper abdominal muscle.  The Beevor sign is associated with spinal cord (T10) lesion, but in FSHD it is present because of the uneven involvement of the abdominal muscles. It is quite specific of FSHD.

Pain is common in FSHD. Shoulder girdle laxity leads to muscle and joint pain, but also to neurogenic pain from the weight of the arm tugging downward and stretching the brachial plexus and nerve roots. Neck and back pain due to paraspinous muscle weakness, with kyphosis and exaggerated lumbar lordosis, is also common. 

Up to one-third of patients with FSHD who are nonambulatory have respiratory involvement. The greatest impairment is found in those who are wheelchair dependent and have kyphoscoliosis.  Early manifestations include nocturnal hypoventilation.  Respiratory insufficiency requiring ventilator support is rare.  Cardiomyopathy is not associated with FSHD.

Hearing loss is reported in 75% of patients with FSHD (infantile form), and retinal vascular abnormalities (Coats syndrome) in 60%. Cardiac arrhythmias are present in a slightly higher proportion of FSHD patients than controls but are generally asymptomatic. Due to the lack of significant bulbar, respiratory, and cardiac involvement in FSHD, life expectancy is normal; however, 20% of patients eventually require wheelchair use.

Coats syndrome: Subtle retinal vascular changes (peripheral telangiectasias) can be found in up to one-fourth of patients with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy on retinal examination.  A more severe retinal vasculopathy known as Coats syndrome can be found in less than 1% of patients and is characterized by aneurysmal dilations, exudation, and, if untreated, can cause retinal detachment or blindness. Idiopathic Coats syndrome is typically unilateral and occurs in males; however, in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy,  Coats syndrome is often bilateral, is found more commonly in females, with variable age of onset, and is associated with large contractions (less than 15 kb) and the smallest number of residual D4Z4 units (1 to 3 units remaining).

Pathogenetics: The genetic basis of FSHD1 has been linked to a reduction in the number of tandem repeats of a stretch of DNA which is 3.3 kb long (termed D4Z4) just below the telomere of chromosome 4q35.  In normal individuals the D4Z4 repeats exceed 11 (11-100), while in affected individuals it is between 1 - 10 repeats. Each D4Z4 repeat contains an open reading frame coding for a transcription factor known as DUX4 (double homeobox 4). Normally this region is highly methylated, and expression of the DUX4 gene is blocked.  In FSHD there are  1 to 10 D4Z4 repeats. are present.  This deletion of repetitive units is associated with hypomethylation of the region.  With hypomethylation, the chromatin is relaxed, allowing transcription of the normally dormant gene DUX4 from the terminal D4Z4 repeat.  However, for the DUX4 transcript to be polyadenylated and stabilized, the deletion must be in the correct context of one of two alleles (A and not B).  In this setting, FSHD1 ensues.  95% of all FSHD is FSHD1.

Thus, in FSHD, the smaller number of repeats results in decreased methylation and opening of the chromatin structure in the D4Z4 region, allowing the DUX4 gene to be expressed. This expression in muscle tissue is highly toxic.  DUX4 encodes for double homeobox 4, which itself is a transcription factor controlling the expression of other genes.  This in turn likely leads to the under or overexpression of other genes. 

FSHD2 is a rare form of FSHD caused by mutation in structural maintenance of chromosomes, flexible hinge domain containing 1 (SMCHD1) gene with resulting hypomethylation of the same sub-telomeric region of chromosome 4q and derepression of DUX4,

FSHD2 requires inheritance of two unlinked genetic factors: a permissive 4q A type (SNP) allele and a loss of function mutation of the SMCHD1 gene, which is found on chromosome 18p11.  FSHD 2 presents similarly to FSHD 1.  Onset age is usually older, though (more than 30 years).  Patients with severe weakness may have both FSDH 1 and FSHD 2 mutation.  Facial sparing, occurs in 15% of cases and is usually associated with smaller deletions.  Muscle inflammation, occurs in 75% of cases.

Diagnosis: The distinctive reversal of the anterior axillary folds along with scapular winging, asymmetries, triple-hump sign, and facial weakness guide the diagnosis. CK levels range from normal to 1000 U/L (if >1500 U/L; consider alternate diagnosis). EMG reveals myopathic motor units with or without muscle membrane instability. Definitive diagnosis of this autosomal dominant disorder is based on genetic analysis of a nonprotein-coding region of chromosome 4q. The deletion has to be on a form of chromosome 4q35(A).  A total of 95% of FSHD patients have deletion of the D4Z4 gene on chromosome 4.  Severity of the disease inversely correlates with the size of the D4Z4 repeat in FSDH 1.  Patient with 1 to 3 units are usually severely affected and often represent isolated (de-novo mutations) cases, whereas patient with 4 to 10 units typically have an affected parent.  False positives may occur due to nonpathogenic contraction of the D4Z4 gene.  In atypical cases of FSHD, the pathogenicity of D4Z4 mutations should be confirmed by looking for a permissive distal sequence (4qA).  

In FSHD the muscle biopsy shows inflammation and appears similar to PM with endomysial infiltrates. The differentiating feature is that in FSHD there is no evidence of invasion of non-necrotic muscle fibers.

Genetic test: FSHD    


Treatment: AAN Guideline for management of FSHD

The management of FSHD focuses on conservative care to: limit the effects of weakness on the joints and bones, manage comorbidities (including monitoring for retinal vasculopathy), and optimize functional ability and quality of life. Specific therapy does not currently exist for FSHD. Several short-term open studies found that low-intensity aerobic exercise is beneficial. Scapular retraction orthoses and lumbosacral corsets can provide support in selected patients with axial weakness and back pain. There may also be a role for surgical intervention with scapulothoracic fixation in carefully selected patients. Ankle-foot orthoses provide dorsiflexion assist and ankle stabilization in those with significant foot drop. Management also includes psychological support aimed at improving patients' mental outlook and providing state of the art information to them about their condition.

Clinical trials: Losmapimod

Scapuloperoneal muscular dystrophy

OPMD Surveillance:

Oculopharyngodistal myopathy

Oculopharyngeal distal myopathy (OPDM) is a group of genetically heterogenous muscle diseases, characterized by onset in adulthood and slowly progressive weakness affecting ocular, bulbar, and distal limb muscles, and pathologically by the presence of rimmed vacuoles and intranuclear inclusions.

Expansion of CGG repeats in the 5' undtranlated region (5' UTR) of LRP12 (OPDM1), GIPC1 (OPDM2), NOTCH2NLC (OPDM3), and RIPL1 (OPDM4) have been reported to cause OPDM in Japan in China.  The disease was first described in for Japanese families more than 4 decades ago, and subsequently was also reported from other countries.

OPDM1 is the most common OPDM subtype in Japan, accounting for 31.25% of Japanese OPDM patients, while OPDM2 is the most common OPDM subtype in China, accounting for 37.3% of Chinese OPDM patients.  LRP12 low-density lipoprotein receptor related protein 12 is a transmembrane protein that is expressed in various organs, including skeletal and cardiac muscle.  The normal number of CGG repeats in LRP12 ranges between 13 and 45, whereas affected patient's  process more than 50 repeats.  The presence of CTG repeat expansions in all 4 OPDM subtype suggests that they have a common pathogenic mechanism.

The 2 possible mechanisms are: 

OPDM1 is likely transmitted in autosomal dominant fashion with incomplete penetrance, has some families had multiple symptomatic individuals and in consecutive generations while other families had asymptomatic individual with disease range expansions.  An inverse correlation between the length of CCG repeats and age of onset was observed.

Congenital Muscular Dystrophy

Ullrich Disease

Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy (UCMD) is associated with weakness at birth or early infancy, contractures of the proximal joints (elbows and knees), hyperextensibility of the distal joints, high arched palate, and protuberant calcanei.  It is associated with congenital muscle weakness, delayed motor milestones, proximal joint contractures, scoliosis, and marked distal joint hyperextensibility.  Intelligence is normal. Loss of ambulation by age 10 years and respiratory compromise even earlier.  

MDC associated with impaired glycosylation of alpha-Dystroglycan

Alpha-dystrocylcanopathies are the result of mutation and alpha dystrophy glycan (DAG1) gene, and at least 13 other genes to date that are involved in the glycosylation pathway (POMT1, POMT2, POMGnT1, FK RP, Fukutin,  LARGE, ISPD,  GTDC2, B3GALNT2, B3GNT1, TMEM 5, GMPPB, , SPK196, and DPM1, DPM2, DPM3, RXYLT1).  All of these are enzymes that are involved in post-translation glycosylation of alpha-distrogycan.  Not only is glycosylation of alpha-dystroglycan important for proper muscle function, but its impaired glycosylation leads to defects in neuronal migration and abnormalities in the central nervous system.

Muscle biopsy findings are nonspecific from other forms of MDC using routine stains.  Inflammatory infiltrate is occasionally present, which may lead to the erroneous diagnosis of a  congenital inflammatory myopathy or polymyositis.

Abnormal glycosylation of alpha dystroglycan can be appreciated by reduced immunostaining of the sarcolemmal membrane with antibodies directed against alpha-dystroglycan and meerosin.

It was first described in Japan where it is the most common form of MDC.  

Clinical features: Generalized proximal greater than distal weakness and hypotonia in infants.  Mothers of affected children retrospectively recall decrease in fetal movements. There is an increased frequency of spontaneous abortions of affected fetuses.  Pseudohypertrophy of the calves occurs in approximately half of the children.  Muscle stretch reflexes are reduced.  Some children are born with arthrogryposis and contractures that are progressive.  In addition to the myopathy, FCMD is associated with severe structural abnormalities of the brain, including microcephaly, cortical dysplasia, lissencephaly, pachygyria, polymicrogyria, and hydrocephalus.  Intellectual function is markedly compromised. 50% of the children affected have seizures.  Physical and mental development is delayed, with the majority never being able to stand or ambulate independently.  Most children die by age of 10 to 12 years of age from ventilatory failure.  CK is usually elevated 10-50 times normal values.  EEG is often abnormal demonstrating epileptiform activity and generalized slowing.  MRI and CT scans of the brain reveal structural abnormalities and evidence of hypomyelination.

FCMD  is caused by mutations in the fukutin gene, FKTN on 9q 31.  Fukutin is a secretory enzyme that localizes to the cis-golgi compartment is thought to have a role in post-translation glycosylation of alpha dystroglycan.  In addition to the skeletal muscle involvement, the disruption of normal glycosylation of alpha-dystroglycan or other proteins leads to defects in neuronal migration and differentiation, which accounts for the many abnormalities seen with of the central nervous system.

Walker Warburg syndrome (WWS) or cerebro-ocular dysplasia.

It is the most severe alpha-dystroglycanopathy and is associated with a life expectancy of less than 3 years.

Infants presented with severe generalized weakness and hypotonia.  They are usually born blind secondary to ocular malformations, which include fixed pupils, hypoplasia of the optic nerves, microphthalmia, corneal opacities, cataracts, shallow anterior chambers, ciliary body abnormalities, irido-lental synechia, retinal dysplasia and detachment.  It is also associated with migrational and developmental disturbances of neurons of the brain, which include lissencephaly, polymicrogyria, hydrocephalus, hypomyelination of the subcortical white matter and hypoplasia of the brainstem and vermis.  Seizures are common.  CK levels are elevated.  MRI of the brain reveals structural abnormalities as mentioned above.  EEG is often abnormal, revealing slowing of the background and epileptiform activity.

WWS  is caused by mutations in several genes (POMT1, POMT2,  FKRP, FKTN, ISPD, CTDC2, TMEM5, POMGnT1, B3GALNT2, GMPBB, B3GNT1,  SGK196).  Mutations of the POMT1 gene are the most common and account for 20% of the cases of WWS.  Rare cases being reported with LGMD and mild mental retardation (LGMD2K).

Muscle-eye-brain disease

First described in Finnish patients and later reported in other populations.  

MEB is commonly caused by mutations in POMGnT1 on 1p32-p34..  Mutations in this gene have also been associated with a milder myopathy, and LGMD 2M.  Mutations in the FKRP, FKTN, ISPD, and TMEM5 genes can also cause MEB.

Similar to WWS, brain and eye abnormalities are accompanied by muscle weakness; however MEB is less severe than WWS.  Infants are weak and motor development is slow but most affected children eventually can sit and stand and some are able to walk.  Severe cognitive impairment is associated with structural abnormalities of the brain, which include pachgyria, polymicrogyria, abnormal midline structures, and hypoplasia of the vermis and pons.  MEB is also associated with progressive myopia, glaucoma, and late cataracts. Serum CK levels are elevated.  MRI of the brain may demonstrate polymicrogyria, abnormal midline structures, hypoplastic vermis, and pons.  


 MDC 1C also known as MDDGA5 is allelic to LGMD 2I and is caused by mutations in the genes that encode for FKRP.  The myopathy is very common, especially among patients of Norther Europe including English ancestry, and give rise to the largest phenotype spectrum of muscular dystrophy so far connected to mutations of a single gene.  The age of onset can range from infancy to the fourth decade of life, with a pattern of weakness similar to MDC 1A.  Early involvement of cardiac and respiratory muscles is common.  CK levels are always very elevated (10-75 times normal).  TTE: DCM.  PFTs may reveal reduced forced vital capacity and inspiratory pressures.  MRI of the brain may reveal microcephaly, cerebellar cysts, and hypoplasia of the vermis, and also white matter abnormalities.


Very rare dystrophy caused by mutations in LARGE gene which is also required for glycosylation of alpha-dystroglycan.

It is associated with generalized weakness, mental retardation, and global developmental delay.  Motor milestones are delayed but individuals who are affected may be able to ambulate.  Nystagmus may be seen on examination but no other ocular abnormalities are typically identified.  Serum CK is mild to moderately elevated.  MRI of the brain show mild structural abnormalities. 

MDC associated with Selenoprotein N1 mutations.

Rigid spine syndrome or rigid spine muscular dystrophy (RSMD) is heterogeneous disorder.  

Some cases are autosomal recessive and have been linked to the gene that encodes for selenoprotein N1 (SEPN1) on 1p35-36.  Mutations in this gene have also been shown in some patients with multi/minicore myopathy and MFM.  Selenoprotein N1 is an endoplasmic reticulum glycoprotein. 

RSMD1 manifest in infancy with hypotonia, proximal weakness, and delayed motor milestones.  Affected individuals develop progressive limitation of spine mobility often associated with scoliosis and contractures at the knees and elbows.  Initially many clinical features with EDMD and UCMD/Bethlem myopathy.  Frequently misdiagnosed with multi/minicore congenital myopathy.  Respiratory weakness can develop due to stiffness of the rib cage and involvement of the diaphragm.  Many patients need noninvasive ventilatory support.  Serum CK is normal or slightly elevated.  ECG may show conduction defects.  PFT showed reduced vital capacity.  EMG demonstrated myopathic appearing motor unit potentials, while insertional activity is typically normal and abnormal spontaneous activity is sparse.  

Muscle biopsy is nonspecific and shows myopathic features including variability in fiber size, increase internal nuclei, type I predominance, and moth-eaten fibers and lobulated fibers on NADH-TR stains.  Some cases are associated with multiple minicores.  Cytoplasmic bodies, Mallory bodies, increased desmin expression, and sarcoplasmic and intranuclear tubulofilamentous inclusions may also be present similar to MFM.   Endomysial fibrosis is apparent, particularly in the axial muscles (rectus abdominis and paraspinal muscles).  Immunostains for dystrophin, sarcoglycans, and the dystroglycans are normal.

Udd Distal Myopathy

Markesbery-Griggs Distal Myopathy

GNE myopathy, a.k.a Nonaka myopathy (Autosomal recessive hereditary inclusion body myopathy)

Miyoshi myopathy (Early adult onset distal myopathy type II)

Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy (EDMD):

Bent Spine/Dropped Head Syndrome

 Algorithm in Assessment in the assessment of weakness in muscular dystrophy and differential diagnosis

The assessment of 4-week infant less than 2 to 3 years of age.

The  assessment of weakness beyond infancy.  Assess the distribution, and progression of the weakness.

Assessment of muscle size:

Muscle contracture: COL6 (with or without laxity) LMNA (spine, knees, feet), LAMA2 (EDMD-like); congenital myasthenic syndromes (DOK-7, RAPSYN); Escobar, RYR1.  CAPN3, dermatomyositis, AR titinopathy. 

Rigid spine: SEPN1, LMNA (with lumbar lordosis), COL6, and LAMA2 (complete and partial); DDx: Acid maltase, CAPN3, EDMD, RYR1, DNM2, FHL1, skeletal dysplasias. 

Laxity: COL6 (common), fibrillinopathies, EDS forms, core disorders, SMA2 and 3.  

CNS inovlvement:

Unexpected respiratory failure: SEPN1, COL6 (possible and still ambulatory patients), LMNA.  DDx: CMS (CHAT), acid-maltase, and nemaline myopathy. 


MRI of the brain showing white matter abnormalities, sparing dense fiber tracts, less commonly occipital pachygria, cerebellar involvement, white matter cysts: LAMA2.  Consider in DDx: disorders of myelinization (hypomyelination syndromes, leukodystrophies).

 MRI of the brain showing pachygyria, lissencephaly with anterior to posterior gradient, white matter abnormalities.  Prominent infratentorial involvement: Cerebellar atrophy, cerebellar cysts, hypoplastic pons, thick tectum: alpha-DG.  DDx: disorders of migration (lissencephaly-LIS 1, DCX, ARX, RLn, TUBA1), Liss-CH, polymicrogyria.  Pontocerebellar hypoplasias (CDG1A, PCH1/VRK1, PCH1&4-TSEN complex)

Muscle biopsy

The inverted diagnostic approach

If there is a clinical suspicion of LGMD:

What to do when VUS are reported?

Distinguishing Features in muscular dystrophies:

Treatment recommendations for patients with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy

It is an exciting time for research in the LGMDs as small molecule, gene replacement, gene editing, and cell replacement therapies are in various stages of development and implementation.  Already, just as viral vector gene therapy has been successful in infants with spinal muscular atrophy, proof of concept and efficacy for viral vector gene replacement strategies in the LGMDs have been successful in animal models for β-sarcoglycan and dysferlin, along with phase 1 and 2 first in human studies.  Viral vector gene therapy via systemic delivery in humans is in various stages of development for a number of LGMD genes.  Additionally, the promise of gene editing through CRISPR/Cas9 (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR associated-9) and other technologies may allow for perinatal correction of disease. Some patients with late stage LGMD may not benefit from gene correction therapies because of the extensive preceding loss of muscle mass with concomitant fatty and fibrous replacement of muscle.  For these patients, myoblast, satellite, and stem cell therapies hover more distantly on the horizon.  However, further progress in those areas may be much closer than previously expected.

Genes commonly associated with a limb girdle muscular dystrophy phenotype


A 42-year-old man presented to the neuromuscular center for leg weakness and a family history of muscular dystrophy.  He did not walk until nearly 2 years of age.  In high school, he was slower than the other children, but participated in varsity sports (football as an offensive guard and wrestling in the heavyweight class) because of his size (1.9 m [6 feet 4 inches] tall and 116 kg [255 pounds]).  As a teen, he was able to bench press more than 135 kg [300 pounds], but could only lift perhaps 55 kg [120 pounds] when doing squats.  By his 30s, he was having trouble ascending stairs and started to note episodes of his heart racing.  At present, he has a cardiac pacer-defibrillator and remains able to traverse stairs (except when tired at the end of the day).  His father also had a muscular dystrophy requiring use of a wheelchair at around 41 years of age.  His father had a pacemaker for an arrhythmia and died at age 52 years from sudden cardiac arrest.

On examination, the patient had a paced heart rate. Interestingly, his body habitus was of relative truncal adiposity with a relative paucity of subcutaneous fat in his lower extremities.  His strength (MRC [Medical Research Council] scale) was 4 to 4+ in a humeroperoneal pattern. There were mild contractures of the ankles, elbows, and neck extensors. His gait was mostly normal, but he was not able to walk well on his heels.  Evaluation revealed a creatine kinase level of 475 U/L. His nerve conduction studies (NCS)/electromyogram (EMG) showed normal motor and sensory responses, no decrement on repetitive stimulation, and a proximal myopathy with minimal muscle membrane instability, but no myotonic discharges.  The next step in the evaluation was genetic testing 

The diagnosis in this patient is:

1. LGMD 1A caused by a pathogenic variant in the gene for myotilin, MYOT.

2. LGMD 1B caused by a pathogenic variant in the gene for lamin A/C, LMNA.

3. LGMD 1C caused by a pathogenic variant in the gene for caveolin 3, CAV3.

4. LGMD 1D caused by a pathogenic variant in the gene for DNAJB6-related protein, DNAJB6.

5. LGMD 1E caused by a pathogenic variant in the gene for desmin, DES.

As expected from his history, phenotype, and examination, genetic testing revealed a pathogenic variant in LMNA, c.1130G>A (p.Arg377His).  This variant has been reported to segregate in families with LGMD with atrioventricular conduction disturbances and in families with dilated cardiomyopathy with quadriceps weakness.  Through alternate splicing of the gene, LMNA produces the proteins lamin A and lamin C, integral proteins of the inner nuclear envelop.  LMNA-related disease involves a myriad of phenotypes (often overlapping), including limb girdle and Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophies, axonal polyneuropathy, arrhythmogenic and dilated cardiomyopathies, lipodystrophy, progeria, restrictive dermopathy, mandibuloacral dysplasia, and others.  This patient had muscular dystrophy, cardiac conduction disease, mild lipodystrophy, and contractures of the neck extensor, biceps, and Achilles tendons.  Patients with LGMD 1B often have symptoms in the first decade, but weakness can progress at variable rates.  Some infants have early and progressive weakness requiring wheelchair use. Others, like the patient in case 1, may remain ambulatory and active through the later decades of life.  Although age of onset of weakness is broad, the median age in a large cohort was in the third decade.  Weakness tends to be in a humeroperoneal pattern but may also involve the quadriceps.  Contractures of the ankle plantar flexors, elbow flexors, and neck extensors are common.  Scoliosis can occur with onset of weakness at an early age.  Although respiratory insufficiency is not common, up to 10% of patients require noninvasive ventilation in their lifetimes.  Creatine kinase levels may be normal and up to 10-fold the upper limit of normal.  Cardiac involvement in LGMD 1B is not universal, but is nearly so in a lifetime.  There is a family history of heart disease in most patients with LGMD 1B. Motor weakness generally precedes cardiac symptoms by around a decade, but cardiac symptoms may be the first symptom bringing the patient to medical attention.  The incidence of cardiac manifestations increases with age, being uncommon in the first decade and nearly uniform by the sixth decade.  Sudden cardiac death may account for more than 25% of mortality in LGMD 1B, which underscores the importance of routine cardiac surveillance (electrocardiogram, Holter/Zio monitor, and echocardiogram) starting no later than the second decade of life in patients with LGMD 1B.  Placement of cardiac pacer-defibrillators for arrhythmogenic disease and cardiac transplant for cardiomyopathies with heart failure are both indicated for LGMD 1B.

A 32-year-old man presented for evaluation for muscle pain and cramping since his early teenage years.  From age 20 years onward, he has noted increased weakness with trouble arising from the floor or ascending steps.  In his job as a heavy equipment mechanic, he needs assistance for tasks above his head and for twisting or unscrewing pipes, screws, or bolts. With physical activity, he notes his muscles wear out more rapidly, hurt more after use, and cramp with less and less exertion.  Now, his muscles feel tight and sore nearly all the time, even interfering with sleep.  Interestingly, he describes that sometimes he feels and sees a rolling of the muscles of his calves or quadriceps before cramping, when contracting a muscle, or when he bumps a muscle.  He recalls dark urine on 2 occasions after sporting activities.  He does not have shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pain, or episodes of syncope. Noteworthy, his mother and maternal grandfather have a similar disorder.  His mother now uses a wheelchair for distances, and his maternal grandfather was wheelchair dependent late in life.  

On examination, his strength was fairly well preserved with normal strength except as follows (MRC scores, right/left): shoulder abductors, 4+/4+; elbow flexors, 4+/4+; finger flexors, 4+/4+; finger abductors, 4+/4+; hip abductors, 4+/4+; hip adductors, 4+/4+; knee flexors, 4+/4+; ankle dorsiflexors, 5/5; toe flexors, 4/4.  Sensation, coordination, and reflexes were normal.  His gait was initially stiff legged, then transitioned to normal after 8 to 10 steps.  Interesting features on his examination included male pattern baldness, mild percussion myotonia at the thenar eminences, and a rippling of his muscles when struck by the reflex hammer.  His only evaluation before genetic testing was a creatine kinase level of 544 U/L .

The diagnosis in this patient is:

1. LGMD 1A caused by pathogenic variants in MYOT, the gene for myotilin.

2. LGMD 1C caused by pathogenic variants in CAV3, the gene for caveolin 3.

3. Myotonic dystrophy type 1.

4. Myotonic dystrophy type 2.

5. A thymoma.

Genetic testing in this patient confirmed the diagnosis of LGMD 1C with the known pathogenic variant, CAV3, c.80G>A (p.Arg27Gln).  This variant has been reported in families with a proximal, LGMD pattern of weakness, distal weakness, autosomal dominant rippling muscle disease, and asymptomatic hyperCKemia.  One of the unique clinical examination findings in LGMD 1C is increased muscle membrane irritability, which manifests as percussion-induced rapid contractions, muscle mounding when struck or bumped, and muscle rolling or rippling.  Remarkably, when muscles ripple, they roll perpendicularly to the long axis of a muscle. Muscle pain, cramps, and stiffness are common concerns of patients.  Weakness in LGMD 1C ranges from asymptomatic to wheelchair dependence.  Because pathogenic variants in CAV3 have been reported in families with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, patients with LGMD 1C should undergo cardiac evaluation at diagnosis and intermittently thereafter.

Creatine kinase levels range from 3 to 30 times the upper limit of normal.  MRI of the thigh often reveals preferential involvement of the rectus femoris and semitendinosus, often with a peripheral predilection for fatty and fibrous replacement in a ring like pattern.  In the diagnostic evaluation of a person with an autosomal dominant family history of weakness along with rippling and rolling of muscles, the first step should be to check a muscle enzyme level and then move directly to genetic testing.

A woman presented for further evaluation at 52 years of age.  In her teenage years, friends commented that her walk was unusual.  By 17 years of age, she was noted to have a waddling gait, walking erect and with her arms somewhat hyperextended behind her.  She noted difficulty with stairs.  During an evaluation at age 27 years, her creatine kinase level was found to be 2616 U/L, with several subsequent, contemporaneous levels in the 1200 to 5300 U/L range.  Subsequently an EMG revealed myopathic motor units with fibrillation potentials and positive sharp waves in proximal muscles, and a quadriceps muscle biopsy revealed so-called moth-eaten muscle fibers.  Over the next 2 decades, she had greater difficulties in walking independently, and by age 45 years began to use a Rollator walker regularly.  Around age 50 years, she used a power wheelchair most of the time and anytime outside her home. Once using the wheelchair regularly, she gained a substantial amount of weight, with her body mass index exceeding 40 kg/m2.  Around this time, she was started on nocturnal bilevel positive airway pressure at night because of a forced vital capacity (FVC) of 72% predicted in the upright position, an FVC of 58% in the supine position, and an overnight polysomnogram with an apnea-hypopnea index at 99 events per hour and with oxygen saturation less than 89% for 35% of her sleep time. There is no family history of a similar disorder.

On examination, her general and mental status examinations were normal except for obesity.  Cranial nerves were normal with normal extraocular and perioral strength and the ability to whistle normally.  Strength was graded as follows (MRC scale, right/left): shoulder abductors, 3/3; elbow flexors, 2/3; elbow extensors, 3/3; wrists/fingers, 5/5; hip flexors, 3/3; hip extensors, 2/2; hip abductors, 5/5; hip adductors, 2/2; knee extensors, 5/5; knee flexors, 2/2; ankles/toes, 5/5. There was prominent scapular winging, bilaterally.  Sensation and coordination were normal.  She was able to arise from a chair without the use of her arms.  Her gait was hyperlordotic with her arms held behind her and her legs splayed apart, and she was able to walk without an ambulatory aid for 6 to 15m(20–50 feet).  At age 52 years, genetic testing confirmed the diagnosis suspected in this woman.

The diagnosis in this woman is:

1. LGMD 2A/R1 caused by pathogenic variants in CAPN3, the gene for calpain 3.

2. LGMD 2B/R2 caused by pathogenic variants in DYSF, the gene for dysferlin.

3. LGMD 2L/R12 caused by pathogenic variants in ANO5, the gene for anoctamin 5.

4. Manifesting dystrophinopathy carrier caused by a pathogenic variant in DMD.

5. Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy caused by a truncation in the number of D4Z4 repeats on chromosome 4.

This patient has LGMD 2A/R1 caused by compound heterozygous pathogenic variants in CAPN3, c.550delA and c.1250C>T.  Calpainopathies are the most prevalent LGMD in the United States.  Symptoms generally begin in LGMD 2A/R1 between 5 and 15 years of age.  Weakness has a distinct pattern with marked disparities in strength in antagonist muscles across the hip and knee joints.  Thus, the hip adductors, hip extensors, and knee flexors are substantially weaker than the hip abductors, hip flexors, and knee extensors.  Retained quadriceps strength allows patients to walk much longer. Nearly half of patients have scapular winging, sometimes prominent.  In general, cardiopulmonary function is not affected early in the disease course.  Later, respiratory insufficiency requiring nocturnal noninvasive ventilation occurs in around 20%.  Although most patients with calpainopathy inherit their disease in an autosomal recessive fashion, up to one-third of patients may have disease with only 1 pathogenic variant in CAPN3.  In autosomal dominant calpainopathy, onset of disease tends to be 10 to 20 years later than in LGMD 2A/R1.  In LGMD 2A/R1, creatine kinase levels range from normal late in disease to in excess of 20,000 U/L. Muscle biopsies often reveal lobulated fibers on oxidative enzyme stains.  In this patient with obesity, the question arose as to whether bariatric surgery would be appropriate. There is mounting evidence that bariatric surgery is safe in the LGMDs, and that subsequent weight loss may improve function without worsening the disease course.

A man initially presented at 48 years of age for evaluation of a 3-year history of progressive weakness of his bilateral biceps and left leg.  As a youth, he was athletically gifted, winning the state wrestling championship in his weight class.  Through his 20s and 30s, he remained physically active and was able to bench press 135 kg (300 pounds), squat 180 kg (400 pounds), and bicycle 4830 km (3000 miles) per year.  Around 47 years of age, he noted left calf hypertrophy, but, ironically, noted greater difficulty standing on his toes, bilaterally.  Over the ensuing decade, his strength declined such that he could not traverse stairs, arise from the floor, and now uses a walking stick regularly.  His past history is significant for gynecomastia surgery when younger.  He also experiences frequent premature ventricular contractions (>10,000 on 48-hour Holter monitor) since his early 30s.  Noteworthy, his unaffected parents are first cousins.  Of 6 siblings, 2 younger brothers also have milder weakness; 1 younger sister has persistently increased aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase, and creatine kinase levels, but no weakness, and 2 sisters have multiple sclerosis.  No aunts, uncles, or grandparents have neurologic disease.

On examination at 58 years of age, his motor examination revealed the following strengths (MRC scale, right/left): deltoid, 5/5; biceps, 2/4; triceps, 3/4; wrist and finger muscles, 5/5; hip flexors, 4/4; hip extensors, 2/2; hip abductors, 5/4+; hip adductors, 2/2; knee extensors, 4/3; knee flexors, 2/2; ankle dorsiflexion, 5/5; and ankle plantar flexion, 4/4.  He was able to walk on his heels bilaterally, but unable to stand on his toes bilaterally.

In terms of evaluation, at 48 years of age, his creatine kinase level was 4852 U/L, and, at age 58 years, his creatine kinase level was 1374 U/L.  NCS/EMG revealed a nonirritable, proximal myopathy both at age 48 years and again at age 58 years.  His MRI of the thighs and calves at age 58 years revealed bilateral marked fatty and fibrous replacement of his hamstring, adductor, and vasti muscles with sparing of the rectus femoris muscle in the thighs, and marked fatty and fibrous replacement of the bilateral gastrocnemius muscles and left soleus muscle with sparing of the anterior compartment of the calves.  A right biceps muscle biopsy at age 53 years revealed end-stage muscle with a few muscle fibers among fatty and fibrous tissue.  A deltoid muscle biopsy at age 58 years revealed nonspecific myopathic changes.

The diagnosis in this patient is:

1. LGMD 2A/R1 caused by pathogenic variants in CAPN3, the gene for calpain 3.

2. LGMD 2B/R2 caused by pathogenic variants in DYSF, the gene for dysferlin.

3. LGMD 2L/R12 caused by pathogenic variants in ANO5, the gene for anoctamin 5.

Becker muscular dystrophy caused by a pathogenic variant in DMD.

5. Bulbospinal muscular atrophy or Kennedy disease caused by the gynecomastia with a CAG repeat in the gene for the androgen receptor.

This patient has LGMD 2L/R12 caused by homozygous pathogenic variants in ANO5, c.172C>T (p.R58 W). LGMD 2L/R12 is highly prevalent in persons of northern European ancestry.  Patients with 2 pathogenic variants in ANO5 can present with a proximal, limb girdle pattern or with a distal pattern (Miyoshi-like muscular dystrophy type 3).  Onset of weakness is later than in most LGMDs, often in the third to fifth decades.  In persons with the same pathogenic variants, women tend toward less weakness than men.  The muscles most affected include the quadriceps and biceps muscles.  Early inability to walk on the toes can occur, similar to LGMD 2B/R2. Cardiac arrhythmias are more prevalent than in the general population, but heart failure is less common.  Muscle enzyme levels generally are 10-fold to 50-fold the upper limit of normal at diagnosis, but may exceed 30,000 U/L.  MRI shows fatty and fibrous replacement in the posterior thigh muscles along with the biceps muscle.  Muscle biopsies may be nearly normal early in disease, or in less affected muscles, but later show fatty and fibrous (dystrophic) changes.

A 54-year-old woman initially noted greater fatigue in middle school and high school.  At that time, she was never able to accelerate quickly, and had trouble running the 50-yard (46-m) dash with any speed.  She could never jump very high.  In her 20s, she noted greater difficulty running. In her 30s, she noted difficulty with ascending stairs, using her arms over her head, and some mild foot drop.  At that time, she was diagnosed with LGMD.  By her early 50s, she was unable to ride a bicycle, hike, play golf, or walk any significant distance.  She was falling perhaps once a month.  There was no family history of a similar disorder.

On general examination, she had enlarged calves, but did not have tongue hypertrophy.  Mental status and cranial nerves were normal (specifically, she had no ptosis and no diplopia). Strength testing revealed symmetric weakness graded as follows (MRC scale) in the upper extremities: shoulders and elbows, 4 to 4+; wrists and fingers, 5.  Her lower extremity strength was: hip flexors, 4; knee extensors, 5; ankle dorsiflexors, 3; ankle plantar flexors, 5; hip extensors, adductors, and abductors, 2; knee flexors, 4+.  Station and gait revealed a camptocormic thoracic spine with forward hip posture.  She had trouble standing erectly.

Her evaluation extended over 3 decades.  Creatine kinase levels ranged from 900 to 2700 U/L.  EMGs in her 30s were consistent with a myopathy.  Muscle biopsies in her 30s revealed myopathic changes and a mildly dystrophic pattern with fatty and fibrous replacement.  At age 54 years, ultrasonography of her muscle was consistent with a generalized myopathy without a distinct pattern.  MRI of her lumbar spine revealed complete fatty replacement of the lumbar paraspinal muscles with relative preservation of her iliopsoas muscles.  MRI of the brain was normal.  Pulmonary function tests revealed an FVC at 74% of predicted in the upright position, but only 56% of predicted in the supine position.  Echocardiogram was normal.  Electrodiagnostic testing at age 54 years revealed a myopathic pattern, mostly in proximal muscles, but also repetitive stimulation at 3-Hz stimulation of the spinal accessory nerve to the trapezius muscle revealed a decrement of 23%.  This decrement repaired with treatment with pyridostigmine.  The patient was started on pyridostigmine and her strength and endurance improved and she no longer had falls.

The diagnosis in this woman is:

1. Myasthenia gravis caused by antibodies to the acetylcholine receptor.

2. LGMD 2A/R1 caused by pathogenic variants in CAPN3, the gene for calpain 3.

3. LGMD 2I/R9 caused by pathogenic variants in FKTN, the gene for Fukutin-related protein.

4. LGMD 2T/R19 caused by mutations in GMPPB, the gene for guanosine diphosphate (GDP) mannose pyrophosphorylase B.

5. Congenital myasthenic syndrome caused by pathogenic variants in DOK7, the gene for DOK7-related protein.

Genetic testing in this patient revealed 2 pathogenic variants in GMPPB: c.79G>C (p.Asp27His) and c.1099G>A (p.Gly367Arg). GMPPB encodes the protein GDP mannose pyrophosphorylase B, one of 18 genes associated with glycosylation of alpha-dystroglycan. Two pathogenic variants in GMPPB may lead to the spectrum of phenotypes including congenital muscular dystrophy with brain and eye involvement, congenital myasthenic syndrome, and a milder muscle phenotype (LGMD2T).  In some cases, there are components of more than 1 phenotype.  This case had predominant limb girdle pattern muscular dystrophy with proximal weakness and fatty and fibrous replaced muscles but also had a partially reversible neuromuscular junction component.  Progressive muscle weakness in the disease course with myopathic changes on muscle biopsy, along with evidence for abnormal transmission at the neuromuscular junction, may also be seen in other myopathies, such as BIN1, DES, DNM2, MTM1, and PLEC, as well as in other congenital myasthenic syndromes, such as DOK7, ALG2, ALG14, COL13A1, DPAGT1, and GFPT1.  For this reason, evaluation for abnormalities of the neuromuscular junction, either repetitive nerve stimulation or single-fiber EMG, should be performed in all patients presenting with weakness, even in the presence of myopathic motor units.

The age of onset in LGMD 2T/R19 ranges from congenital weakness to later adult life.  Calf hypertrophy commonly occurs in LGMD 2T/R19.  Lumbar paraspinal, adductor, hamstring, and medial gastrocnemius muscles is the pattern that tends to be most involved.  Creatine kinase levels are increased, running from 300 to 10,000 U/L.  Lumbar paraspinal muscles tend to be the most affected on total-body MRI of muscles.  In terms of genetics, there are genotype/phenotype correlations.  The common c.79G>C pathogenic variant tends to be associated with milder weakness and more so with a myasthenic syndrome phenotype.  Treatment with pyridostigmine and/or salbutamol improves the strength and endurance in some patients with LGMD 2T/R19

A 22-year-old man of Asian and northern European ancestry presents for an evaluation of his muscle weakness. In high school he was very athletic and was awarded a college scholarship for his abilities in the high jump.  Unfortunately, shortly after his sophomore year he began to experience difficulty maintaining the height of his high jump.  He recalls in retrospect that his calf raises in the gym had become more challenging at about the same time.  By midway through his junior year he had developed mild difficulty running, which eventually required that he quit track and field.  Despite a slow, progressive decline in leg strength over the subsequent year he delayed seeking medical attention until he developed difficulty performing arm curls in the gym.  By then he noted that he was losing muscle bulk in his calves and biceps brachii.  He was evaluated by a family practice physician and underwent initial laboratory screening that included a complete blood count, a comprehensive metabolic panel, and tests of blood levels of thyroids stimulating hormone, vitamin B12, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), and creatine kinase (CK).  Results were remarkable for a markedly elevated CK (5,432 U/L; normal CK levels < 300 U/L but varies by sex and ethnicity).  ECG and echocardiogram were normal.  A muscle biopsy was obtained at the local community hospital and reportedly demonstrated endomysial inflammatory infiltrates. He was initially diagnosed with polymyositis and was started on oral prednisone 60 mg/d.  After 6 months without benefit and further subtle progressive decline in strength, he was referred to a regional referral center and evaluated by a general neurologist.  Repeat CK level was 15,234 U/L.  Nerve conduction test was normal, whereas an EMG demonstrated the presence of myopathic potentials with early recruitment in most muscles tested, most prominently in the calves and biceps femoris.  He was subsequently referred to a tertiary care facility for specialty evaluation. 

His past medical and surgical history are otherwise insignificant.

The only medication he is currently taking is prednisone 60 mg/d. He has no known drug allergies. 

Social history is notable for occasional alcohol use but no more than 2 to 3 beers per week. He denies prior tobacco or illicit drug use. He is a graduate student studying sports physiology and has maintained a 4.0 grade point average since starting high school. His childhood development history is otherwise unremarkable, both physically and cognitively. 

Family history is without any suggestion of neuromuscular disease and is otherwise noncontributory. Of some interest is his northern European and Asian ancestry. 

In addition to that reported in the history of present illness, a complete review of 14 systems is otherwise unremarkable. 

On physical examination, he is a well-developed and well-nourished male in no distress. Temperature is 36.7º, blood pressure is 123/66, pulse is 62, and respiratory rate is 14. No bruits are noted over his carotids, and heart sounds are normal. He is alert and oriented to person, place, and date. Both short-term and delayed memory are intact. Speech is fluent with intact naming, repetition, and comprehension. Insight and thought content are appropriate for age and education. Pupils are equally reactive to light and accommodation. Visual fields are full to confrontation, and extraocular muscles are intact. Facial sensation and strength are normal. Hearing is intact bilaterally to finger rub. Palate, tongue, and uvula are midline. Sternocleidomastoid and trapezius strength are normal. On motor examination, there is atrophy of bilateral gastrocnemius and biceps femoris muscles. There is no scapular winging. No myotonia or fasciculations are noted. Motor strength testing reveals the following: neck flexors 5; limb muscles (right/left): deltoid 5- /5-, biceps 4/4+, triceps 5/5, brachioradialis 4+/4, wrist flexors 5/5, wrist extensors 5/5, interrossei 5/5, iliopsoas 4/4, gluteus medius 5-/5-, quadriceps 5-/5-, hamstrings 4+/4+, tibialis anterior 5/5, gastrocnemius 4+/4, extensor hallucis longus 5/5. Sensation is preserved normal to pinprick, touch, vibration and joint sense. Deep tendon reflexes are 2+ in the upper extremities and at the knees. Ankle jerks are 1+ bilaterally. Plantar responses are flexor. Station is normal. Casual gait also is normal, but the patient is unable to walk on his toes on the left. He has mild difficulty rising from the floor. 

Additional diagnostic studies include an MRI of the lower extremities that demonstrates fibrous and fatty degeneration of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. The patient is counseled about a possible diagnosis of muscular dystrophy and the suspicion of a dysferlinopathy on the basis of his history and pattern of weakness. Genetic testing is performed and confirms a mutation in the dysferlin gene (DYS). You tell the patient that he has limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2B (LGMD2B). Prognosis is discussed. He is counseled with regard to this being an autosomal recessive disorder so he would not likely pass it on to his children unless his wife also carries the same gene mutation. He is referred for physical and occupational therapy. 

A 20-year-old woman presents with a 6-month history of weakness in her legs.  She has difficulty climbing stairs and rising from chairs.  On clinical examination, she has mild hip-girdle weakness (MRC grade 4+/5), her hamstrings are 4/5, and ankle plantar flexors are 3/5.  Her knee extensors and ankle dorsiflexors are normal, as are her arms.  There is no scapular winging or muscle hypertrophy, although she has atrophy of the medial gastrocnemius muscles bilaterally and is unable to stand on her tip toes.  Sensation is intact.  Muscle stretch reflexes are 2/4 and symmetric throughout except at the ankles, where these reflexes are absent.  Her serum CK level is 12,000 U/L. 

Which of the following would be the most appropriate next step? 

A. Perform an EMG/nerve conduction study (NCS) 

B. Obtain a dried blood spot analysis for alpha-glucosidase activity, as it would be important not to miss a possible treatable condition (e.g., late-onset Pompe disease) 

C. Order a Western blot for dysferlin analysis on peripheral monocytes or sequencing of the DIS gene for mutations 

D. Perform a gastrocnemius muscle biopsy, as this muscle is the most severely affected E. Treat the patient empirically with prednisone 1.0 to 1.5 mg/kg daily for presumed polymyositis 

The correct answer is C. The age of onset and pattern of weakness is classic for Miyoshi myopathy/dysferlinopathy and is supported by the markedly elevated serum CK level. The clinical impression can be confirmed noninvasively by performing Western blot analysis on peripheral monocytes or direct mutation analysis of the DYS gene that encodes for dysferlin. The clinical phenotype and markedly elevated CK levels do not suggest Pompe disease.  EMG/NCS are useful in localization, although with a CK of 12,000 U/L it has to be a myopathy. EMG can at times help narrow the diagnosis of the type of myopathy (e.g., if there were myotonic discharges); however, in this case the EMG is not likely to assist in the diagnosis. One could consider a muscle biopsy to confirm the diagnosis of a dystrophy or exclude another cause.  If the results are dystrophic, one could do immunostaining or immunoblot of muscle tissue for dysferlin. 

A 24-year-old man presents with a 4-year history of progressive weakness in his proximal arms and legs.  He is of Spanish descent but has no family history of any neuromuscular problems.  On examination, he has scapular winging.  No muscle atrophy or hypertrophy is appreciated.  Manual muscle testing reveals weakness in the proximal legs more than in the proximal arms.  Sensation and muscle stretch reflexes are normal.  

His serum CK is 5,300 U/L.  A biceps brachii muscle biopsy reveals variability in muscle fiber size, mild increase in endomysial connective tissue, scattered necrotic and regenerating fibers, lobulated muscle fibers on NADHTR stain, and rare, small foci of endomysial inflammatory cells composed of many eosinophils.  Which of the following would be the most appropriate next step? 

A. Perform genetic testing for CPN3 (calpain-3) mutation 

B. Order a Western blot for dysferlin analysis on peripheral monocytes or sequencing of the DYS gene 

C. Perform genetic testing for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) given the prominent scapular winging and inflammation on biopsy 

D. Order genetic testing for all available limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (limb-girdle muscular dystrophy [LGMD] panel), as it is impossible to guess which type of LGMD he is most likely to have 

E. Begin treating the patient with prednisone 1.0 to 1.5 mg/kg daily for presumed eosinophilic polymyositis 

The correct answer is A.  The clinical phenotype is typical of LGMD2A that is caused by a mutation in CPN3 that encodes for calpain-3.  LGMD2A is the most common form of LGMD in patients from Spain and southern European backgrounds.  There are several reports of patients having been erroneously diagnosed with eosinophilic myositis who actually had calpainopathy.  The limb-girdle pattern of weakness, high CK level, and inflammation on biopsy can be seen in dysferlinopathies, but scapular winging is not typical.  Rarely, patients with FSHD can have a limb-girdle pattern of weakness and inflammation on biopsy mimicking myositis, although CK is not usually as elevated, making calpainopathy most likely. 

Myofibrillar myopathy has been associated with mutations in the genes that encode for which of the following proteins? 

A. Desmin 

B. Myotilin 

C. BAG-3 

D. Z-band alternatively spliced PDZ motif-containing protein 

E. All of the above 

The correct answer is E.  Mutations in the genes that encode for filamin-C, myotilin, ZASP, BAG-3, desmin, alpha B crystallin, and titin have been associated with myofibrillar myopathy. 

A 26-year-old woman is referred for evaluation of slowly progressive weakness she has been experiencing for 3 years.  On examination, she has mild atrophy of humeral muscles and MRC grade 4+/5 in her elbow flexion, elbow extension, and foot dorsiflexion.  She also has moderate contractures at her elbows, knees, and ankles and rigidity of her spine.  Family history is notable for sudden cardiac death in her father, who exhibited similar clinical features as she does now.  The most appropriate diagnostic test would be which of the following? 

A. Muscle biopsy 

B. Genetic testing for mutations in the gene that encodes for emerin 

C. Genetic testing for mutations in the gene that encodes for lamin A/C 

D. Genetic testing for mutations in the gene that encodes for dystrophin 

E. Genetic testing for myotonic dystrophy 

The correct answer is C.  The pattern of muscle weakness, early contractures, autosomal dominant inheritance, and cardiac disease are characteristic of autosomal dominant Emery Dreifuss muscular dystrophy or LGMD1B, both of which are caused by mutations in the gene that encodes for lamin A/C


The RYR1 gene is associated with autosomal dominant and recessive central core disease (CCD), autosomal recessive congenital myopathy with fiber-type disproportion (CFTD), and autosomal recessive multiminicore disease.  It is also associated with autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant centronuclear myopathy (CNM) and malignant hyperthermia susceptibility type 1 (MHS1).  The RYR1 gene also has preliminary evidence supporting a correlation with periodic paralysis.

If two causative variants are present on opposite chromosomes, then this result is consistent with a predisposition to, or diagnosis of, autosomal recessive RYR1-related conditions.  The clinical significance of this result in autosomal dominant RYR1-related conditions is unknown at this time.  RYR1 is associated with a clinically heterogeneous and overlapping group of core myopathies including CCD, CFTD, MmD and CNM.  

CCD is characterized by muscle weakness, hypotonia, and delayed motor milestones .  Onset typically occurs in childhood, though adult-onset cases have been reported.  Muscle biopsy findings consist of large numbers of central cores present in type 1 muscle fibers.  

CFTD is characterized by infantile onset hypotonia, muscle weakness, and the presence of small type 1 fibers with no evidence of cores, rods or central nuclei on muscle biopsy.  

MmD is characterized by proximal muscle weakness, multiple focal areas of reduced oxidative activity in muscle fibers, and highly variable age of onset.  

CNM is characterized by infantile onset facial muscle weakness, external ophthalmoplegia, and central nuclei on muscle biopsy.  Rarely, individuals more severely affected with RYR1-related myopathies may present with symptoms perinatally. 

Pathogenic variants in RYR1 are also associated with increased risk for malignant hyperthermia, a pharmacogenetic disorder of skeletal muscle that can lead to a hyper-metabolic response after exposure to certain environmental factors, such as anesthetic agents. Episodes may include hyperthermia, tachycardia or arrhythmia, skeletal muscle rigidity, respiratory and metabolic acidosis, and/or rhabdomyolysis. Rarely does MH occur in a non-anesthetized patient.