

Welcome to the Neuroelectronics Group at Tohoku University in Japan, we are dedicated to developing flexible fiber-based multimodal devices to interface with complicated biological systems, particularly the brain.

Recent News

  • 2021/04/11

Our group website is up for running!

  • 2021/04/05

Dr. Yuichi Sato joined our group as a research scientist. Welcome!

  • 2021/03/31

B4 Rino Nishimoto presented her bachelor thesis work at Department of Electronic Engineering!

  • 2021/03/25

B4 Rino Nishimoto graduated with Bachelor Degree in Electronic Engineering, she will start her master study in Biomedical Engineering from April, congratulations!

  • 2021/03/02

Yuan received the Tokin Science and Technology Award from Tokin Foundation for Advancement of Science and Technology.

  • 2021/02/02

Yuan's proposal got accepted by JST FOREST program.

  • 2021/01/04

Yuan is selected as TI-FRIS Fellow.

Group Photo: Rino Nishimoto (M1), Yuanyuan Guo, Yuichi Sato (Research scientist)

4/7/2020 In front of the FRIS building

Photo credit: Chrystelle Bernard