
Interdisciplinary Neuroscience

Master course


SoSe: Cellular, molecular and systematic neurobiology in mouse and zebrafish 


The practical course offers basic theoretical and experimental knowledge in the area of cellular, molecular and systemic neurobiology in mouse and zebrafish. The students work on their own projects under supervision and present the results in the form of a seminar talk. In a second seminar talk they present an original publication from the field of their projects. By writing a result protocol, they will learn how to write scientific reports. The practical course is divided in two units. The first part includes the following tasks: basic mouse genetic techniques, processing of brain tissue for immunohistochemistry, basic techniques of working with neuronal cell cultures, immunofluorescence microscopy, confocal microscopy, and biochemical techniques including protein gel electrophoresis and Western blotting. In the second part of the practical course, the students will be introduced to basic zebrafish genetics using methods in molecular biology and histological techniques, confocal microscopy and brightfield microscopy as well as zebrafish embryo manipulation and basic behavioral tests.


Students learn the basic techniques for studying cellular, molecular, and systemic neurobiology (as detailed above). They work with cultured cells under sterile conditions, with the epifluorescence microscope and the stereo microscope. The students will be trained in zebrafish embryo handling and basic genetic techniques, and quantify and analyse the obtained data and images. The students are in an international environment and learn how to write and communicate their results in English.

Teacher: Prof. Acker-Palmer, Dr. Bettina Kirchmaier, Dr. Marta Parrilla-Monge

WiSe: Basic Methods in Neuroscience - Cell Biology


The module focusses on the following areas:

(1) Methods of cell biology, molecular biology and genetics: Imparting of knowledge on practical and theoretical basics for working with chemical solutions, physical-chemical features of proteins and their isolation, subcellular fractioning and centrifugation, preparation of cell cultures, immune-histology and microscopy and the basic principles of molecular genetics and genomics.

(2) Anatomy of the central nervous system: Using slices, plastic models and stored data-sets the structure and the development of the human brain and spinal cord are shown, including the autonomous nervous system and the cerebral blood supply. Furthermore imaging methods like MRI and fMRI are introduced. Also the evaluation of brains and animal model organisms are discussed.

(3) Electrophysiology: In lectures and seminars/discussions the basics of membrane potentials, action potentials, forwarding of potentials, synaptic morphology/geometry/function are dealt with. Important methods for recognition and analysis of single neurons (extracellular, intracellular, patch-clamp) and neural networks activity are discussed. Both electrical and optical techniques of neural stimulation are presented.

(4) MATLAB-programming and statistics: Basics of programming of neural data recordings and analysis with MATLAB are discussed. A focus lies on practical programming exercises. Basic statistical methods are introduced, discussed and realised in MATLAB.

 (5) Legal and ethical aspects of animal experimentation, genetic manipulations, biological safety and proper scientific conduct are imparted.



Within this module the students learn to discuss intensely and independently theoretical as well as practical contents of the study. They attain practical competence in cellular and molecular lab techniques, cell culture techniques and programming of neuro-biological questions in MATLAB. When having finished the module they have basic knowledge on neurogenetics. They have fundamental knowledge on human brain anatomy as well as animal models, can identify important cerebral structures and interpret histological preparations adequately. They possess basic knowledge regarding neural potentials and synaptic mechanisms and can assess potentialities and limitations of electro-physiological technologies. They can apply adequate statistical methods in assessing significance and comparison of neural records. They will attain competence regarding rules of good scientific practice, and to keep the directives regarding genetic works, bioassay practices, and animal welfare.


Teacher: Prof. Acker-Palmer, Dr. Marta Segarra, Dr. Marta Parrilla-Monge

WiSe: Ausgewählte Kapitel der Neurowissenschaften I  

Teacher: Prof. Acker-Palmer, Prof. Zimmermann

Physical Biology of Cells and Cell Interactions 

Master course 


SoSe: Cellular, molecular and systematic neurobiology in mouse and zebrafish 


The practical course offers basic theoretical and experimental knowledge in the area of cellular, molecular and systemic neurobiology in mouse and zebrafish. The students work on their own projects under supervision and present the results in the form of a seminar talk. In a second seminar talk they present an original publication from the field of their projects. By writing a result protocol, they will learn how to write scientific reports. The practical course is divided in two units. The first part includes the following tasks: basic mouse genetic techniques, processing of brain tissue for immunohistochemistry, basic techniques of working with neuronal cell cultures, immunofluorescence microscopy, confocal microscopy, and biochemical techniques including protein gel electrophoresis and Western blotting. In the second part of the practical course, the students will be introduced to basic zebrafish genetics using methods in molecular biology and histological techniques, confocal microscopy and brightfield microscopy as well as zebrafish embryo manipulation and basic behavioral tests.


Students learn the basic techniques for studying cellular, molecular, and systemic neurobiology (as detailed above). They work with cultured cells under sterile conditions, with the epifluorescence microscope and the stereo microscope. The students will be trained in zebrafish embryo handling and basic genetic techniques, and quantify and analyse the obtained data and images. The students are in an international environment and learn how to write and communicate their results in English.

Teacher: Prof. Acker-Palmer, Dr. Bettina Kirchmaier, Dr. Marta Parrilla-Monge

SoSe: Advanced cell biology 2  

Teacher: Dr. Bettina Kirchmaier


Bachelor course 


WiSe: Spezialisierung 4: Neurobiologie II  


Basic methods of neurobiology are practically applied. The focus is on cellular and molecular neurobiology



Within this module the students will develop an overview of the molecular functions of neurons and their interactions with other cells using cell biology and molecular biology investigation techniques.

 Teacher: Prof. Acker-Palmer, Prof. Zimmermann, Dr. Marta Parrilla-Monge

WiSe: Struktur und Funktion der Organismen  

Teacher: Dr. Bettina Kirchmaier

WiSe: Teammanagement und Führungskompetenz 

Teacher: Dr. Bettina Kirchmaier

WiSe/ SoSe: Freies Studium 

Applications should contain

Recruiting periods:

 Full applications can be submitted to:


Teacher: Prof. Acker-Palmer

All courses

WiSe/SoSe: Tierexperimentelle Fortbildung (Vorlesungsreihe Versuchstierkunde)

Teacher: Dr. Bettina Kirchmaier,

Bachelor- and Master Theses

We offer regularly Bachelor- and Master Theses to suitable applicants.  Be aware that thesis will be written in English

Applications should contain

Recruiting periods for bachelor thesis:

 Full applications can be submitted to:
