What is Warriors?

Warriors is a cat series by Erin Hunter (Erin Hunter is actually seven people: Victoria Holmes, Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, Gillian Philip, Inbali Iserles, Tui T. Sutherland, and Rosie Best). Wow! Here is the first series, presented to you by the one and only WebClan......

Warriors Book 1: Into the Wild

Warriors Book 2: Fire and Ice

Warriors Book 3: Forest of Secrets

Warriors Book 4: Rising Storm

Warriors Book 5: A Dangerous Path

Warriors Book 6: The Darkest Hour

Want some mojo? Well then, here's what you asked, with FOUR sneak peeks of the first series!

Spoilers Ahead!

"What is the point? StarClan has decreed that death will come. A dark force walks this forest, and even StarClan themselves cannot control it. Or will not. There is nothing we can do."

-Bluestar, A Dangerous Path

"You must either live with us and respect our ways, or return to your Twolegplace and never come back. You cannot live with a paw in each world."

-Lionheart, Into the Wild

"You are the cat we have chosen, Firestar...no warrior of StarClan brought you here. You came of your own accord because you have a warrior's spirit and the heart of a true Clan cat."

-Bluestar, The Darkest Hour

"Thank you for bringing me to ThunderClan. Tell Bluestar I have always been grateful for the home she gave me."

-Yellowfang, Rising Storm

Whoa. I need some books right now! How much do they cost? Let's see...almost 10 dollars!? What a deal! Head over to the market and grab 1,000 pennies while you're at it! (Cool math, right?)