Adopt a Kit

With all these new kits, feel free to adopt a kit! If you are a she-cat, then you will be added as a queen (and "foster mother") and in the nursery. If you are a tom, then on the Allegiances it will be listed you are the kit's "foster father." Here is a list of all the kits who need to be adopted:

PENELOPE-brown she-cat with blue eyes

MAGSKIT-black she-cat with green eyes; has strong muscles and a feisty personality

CALLIKIT-calico she-cat with green eyes; very lazy for a kit and can't walk very well but is kind and cares about other cats

ROBINKIT-orange she-cat with green eyes; a sweet she-cat with a chubby tummy

SALLY-formerly a kittypet, this blue-eyed calico is little and scrawny as well as playful

REXKIT-blue-gray tom with green eyes and a white-tipped tail; likes to play-fight with the other kits; larger than most kits

INKY-black tom with yellow eyes; has a gentle personality; is housebroken

BANDIT-black yellow-eyed tom with a star-shaped white spot on his chest; playful for even a kit

The candidates that most need to be adopted are Magskit, Callikit, Robinkit, and Sally; they have been waiting for over three years. The others are more recent, with Penelope being the least recent and Inky being around the most recent (still at least a year old!)

Rexkit is the character of Sandstar's little brother (also known as "Forestkit"). Inky is the character of Sandstar's grandfather (seriously!)