Recently Concluded Research

Recently concluded research

Below is a partial list of publications and presentations from recent projects. For a more complete list, please see my CV.

Recent work includes work on the M6.9 1983 Borah Peak Earthquake, investigations of faulting in the Sevier Desert, and mapping the distribution of creep along and across a portion of the central San Andreas Fault. That work resulted in the publications below (and one other is currently in review).

DuRoss, C.B., Briggs, R.W., Gold, R.D., Hatem, A.E., Elliott, A., Delano, J., Medina-Cascales, I., Gray, H., Mahan, S., Micovich, S., Lifton, Z., Kleber, E., McDonald, G., Hiscock, A., Bunds, M.P., Reitman, N., 2022, How Similar was the 1983 Mw 6.9 Borah Peak earthquake to its surface-faulting predecessors along the northern Lost River fault zone (Idaho, USA)?, Geological Society of American Bulletin, DOI: .

Niemi, N.A., Stahl, T.A., Bunds, M.P., 2021, Structure-from-Motion Digital Surface model of Drum Mountains fault scarps, Millard County, Utah. Distributed by Open Topography. DOI:

Stahl, T.A., Niemi, N.A., Delano, J., Wolfe, F.D., Bunds, M.P., Howell, A., 2021, Diffuse Tectonic Deformation in The Drum Mountains Fault Zone, Utah, USA: Testing the Utility of Legacy Aerial Photograph-Derived Topography, Frontiers in Earth Science 8:600729. doi: 

Bunds, M.P., DuRoss, C.B., Gold, R.D., Reitman, N.G., Toke, N.A., Briggs, R.W., Ungerman, B., and Matheson, E. (2020). Lost River Fault at Doublespring Pass Rd, Idaho 2015. Utah Valley University (UVU). Distributed by OpenTopography.  

Bunds, M.P., Scott, C., Toké, N.A., Saldivar, J., Woolstenhulme, L., Phillips, J., Keck, M., Smith, S., and Ranney, M., 2020, High Resolution Topography of the Central San Andreas Fault at Dry Lake Valley, California, USA, distributed by OpenTopography. DOI:

Scott, C., Bunds, M.P., Shirzaei, M., Toke, N., 2020, Creep along the Central San Andreas Fault from Surface Fractures, Topographic Differencing, and InSAR Imagery, Journal of Geophysical Research,

Stahl, T., Niemi, N., Bunds, M.P., Andreini, J., Wells, J., 2019, Paleoseismic patterns of Quaternary tectonic and magmatic surface deformation in the eastern Basin and Range, USA, Geosphere,

DuRoss, C.B., Bunds, M.P., Gold, R.D., Briggs, R.W., Reitman, N.G., Personius, S.F., Toke, N.A., 2019, Variable normal-fault rupture behavior, northern Lost River fault zone, Idaho, USA, Geosphere, v 15,