Indonesian Tsunamis

Indonesia Megathrust Earthquakes and Tsunamis

Working with Ron Harris of BYU, Danny Horns, and Anne Arendt (both at UVU), I took UVU students (Jeremy Andreini, Alex Uribe, and Serena Smith) to Indonesia in 2016 and 2017 to investigate unrecorded tsunami activity along the south coasts of Java, Bali, and Lombok. We might have gone snorkeling once or twice too. We have excellently documented several deposits of boulders along the coastline that most likely were emplaced by tsunami(s) using high resolution topography that we generated from sUAS (drone) photographs and dGNSS measurements. As of May 2023 we have a manuscript on the work provisionally accepted for publication in Natural Hazards (Springer). 

Screenshots (below) of boulder deposits on the south coasts of Bali and Lombok islands, Indonesia. We suggest the deposits were formed by tsunami activity and are important records of large earthquakes that may help assess and illustrate risk from future tsunami-genic earthquakes.