Union County

Workforce Housing Action Team

Project Purpose

To increase available and affordable rentals in Union County


Help people who are interested in becoming landlords get started

Increase Rental Homes

Increase available rentals in Union County

Networking & Resources

Network housing related efforts for a bigger impact

Increase Affordable Homes

Increase amount of affordable housing in Union County



  • Oct 5, 2021 - Workforce Housing Action Team Workshop: formed Union County action group; identified need for more rental options in Union County; decided to plan informational meeting on how to become a landlord

  • Nov 2, 2021 - Planned Union County landlord informational meeting. Brainstormed agenda items, potential guest speakers, how to reach our audience. Scheduled meeting for January.

  • Jan 20, 2022, 6-8pm PST - “So You Want to be a Landlord? : Learn about investing in rental property in Union County” - This presentation and table talk taught how to get started with building a rental property or accessory dwelling unit (ADU) in Union County. Held at La Grande Middle School Commons from 6-8pm PST. For more information see this flyer.

  • Feb 2022 - No future plans are being made after the successful presentation/table talk in January. Need to regroup after completing our big easy. Interested in looking into ADU’s and incentive programs.

Meet the team

Our 8-member team was created under the Strategic Doing framework. We have one table guide leader to keep the conversation on track, and one knowledge keeper records the session and make sure everyone is on the same page. The team will meet every 30 days until the project is completed. Each team member leaves every meeting with a task to complete by the next meeting.



Table Guide Leader



Gust Tsiastsos

Suzannah Moore

Michael Boquist



George Mendoza

Whitley Schiller


Want to learn more or want to support this project?

Contact Kasi Cooper, kasi@eowb.org or

Chris Evans, christopher.m.evans@dhsoha.state.or.us