
Nelly Zhang - Director, China Partner Programs, Webster University, Steering Committee Member of American University China Association (AUCA)

I have quite abundant experience in both business and education fields. I have a real passion especially in higher education and believe there is a need for revolutionary reform to educate future talents that the new world would require, and I firmly believe that I could contribute into that reform.

Through 17-years of working experience at Webster University and with our Chinese partner schools, I have built deeper understanding about higher education both for Chinese and Western education system; started in 2005 with 2 staff, now we have 6 people in China office to operate three locations and over a dozen programs and established a consulting company in China.

Since 2016, I joined the American University China Association (AUCA), an organization composed of members representing American higher education institutions who are dedicated to promoting educational, academic, and cultural exchanges and partnerships between America and China. I became a member of steering committee as well as the co-chair of Student Recruitment Committee.