My research

My research interest is in the field of Educational Globalization, concentrating on higher education.

"Globalization of education refers to the worldwide discussions, processes and institutions influencing local educational practices and policies. " - Taylor & Francis (2022). There are many approaches or perspectives on globalization in education fields. It cannot be merely described as harmful or beneficial, but depends on one’s position, perspective, values, and priorities.

As an educator, should not only react to globalization and related processes, but purposefully interact with them, to prepare students to respond to challenges and opportunities posed by processes associated with globalization.

Webster University is a pioneer in Globalization of Education. Webster's Mission is to "ensures high-quality learning experiences that transform students for global citizenship and individual excellence." ( It provides a very good example on how to establish and operate a global higher institution.

I am trying to use Webster as a case study, to discuss the globalization in higher education field.

My researchgate link: Nelly Jiewei Zhang (