Spelling Bee digital Program

Thank you for coming to see The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee!

Tonight's performance is scheduled to begin at 7pm. 

Act I

The Twenty-Fifth Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee – Company

The Spelling Rules- Panch and Spellers

My Friend, the Dictionary – Olive and Company

Pandemonium – Panch, Chip, Mitch, and Spellers

I'm Not That Smart – Leaf

Magic Foot – Barfée and Company

Pandemonium (Reprise)– Mitch, Chip, and Company

Prayer of the Comfort Counselor – Mitch and Company

Audience Goodbyes 1, 2, 3 (When Applicable) - Company

Act II

My Unfortunate Erection (Chip's Lament) – Chip

Woe is Me – Logainne, Carl, Dan, and Company

Spelling Montage - Panch and Spellers

I'm Not That Smart (Reprise) – Leaf

I Speak Six Languages – Marcy and Company

Marcy's Epiphany - Marcy, Mitch, and Company

The I Love You Song – Olive and Olive's Parents

Woe is Me (Reprise) – Logainne, Mitch, and Company

Second – Barfée, Olive, Rona and Company

Finale – Company

This performance contains flashing lights during "Pandemonium" and "Spelling Montage"

Parents, please note that performances on 8/3 and 8/4 contain suggestive humor and mature language. 

Click Here for the Cast

Rona Lisa Peretti - Claire Skatrud

Douglas Panch - Aaron Speigel

Mitch Mahoney - Lily Oehlkers

Chip Tolentino - James Casale

Olive Ostrovsky - Sangita Das-Quingley

Olive Ostrovsky (Swing) - Leyna Blume

Logainne Schwartzandgrubennire - Fiona Byrne

Leaf Coneybear - Henry McCue

William Barfee (Swing) - Amiya Tes

Marcy Park - Julia Goldman

Olive’s Mom / Dan Dad / Jesus Christ - Kathleen Bayer

Olive’s Dad / Carl Dad - Benjamin Gilman

See Cast/Crew Headshots & Bios! 

Click Here for the Production Team & Tech Crew

Co-Director and Producer - Aria Lehri

Co-Director and Producer - Amiya Tess

Stage Manager / Technical Director - Ellie Yonchak

Music Director - Claire Skatrud

Assistant Stage Manager - Miranda Collins-Kullberg

Assistant Music Director - Nadia Tess

Lighting Designer / Technical Director - Emily Zinner

Sound Engineers - Haley Larson, Mariana Melin 

Spotlight Operators - Sabina Weeks, Noah Semel

Set Design & Dressing - Ellie Yonchak 

Graphic Design: Brian Curry 

Tech Build Volunteers:, Sara Franco, Haley Larson, Miranda Collins-Kulberg, Emily Zinner, Aaron Spiegel, Samantha Katz, Sophia Ashkenas, Aria Lehri, Amiya Tess 

Click Here for the NST Staff

Aria Lehri, Amiya Tess, Boyoung Paik, Brian Curry, Claire Skatrud, Ellie Yonchak, Emily Zinner, Hazel Barzilay, Sophia Ashkenas

Special Thanks

Kristen Mazzochi, Amy Goldman, Deb Tormey, Brian Curry, Chris and Anjala Tess, Sara Franco, Caitlyn Peters, Amanda Goldman, Ciara Bayer, Donna and Steve Yonchak, Kavya Rao, Kate Murray, Scott McCue, Jesse Young-Paulson, Naomi Goldman

And thank YOU for supporting Needham Student Theatre!

THE 25TH ANNUAL PUTNAM COUNTY SPELLING BEE is presented through special arrangement with Music Tehatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. 

Any video and/or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited