Fequently Asked Questions

what is a general volunteer?

Every Emergency Management Volunteer is considered a General Volunteer and must complete the Basic Training Series.

This series prepares volunteers to assist in areas that are universal to emergency responses that volunteers may be asked to assist with. Because all volunteers go through the Volunteer Basic Training Series every two years they are reasonably prepared if they are available and willing to help out when requested. 

do i have to do search and rescue if i become a volunteer?

No. Participation in a specialty group like Search and Rescue is completely optional. Every volunteer is an Emergency Management Volunteer and must complete the Basic Training Series, but you do not have to participate in any team past that unless you want to.

If you choose to participate, there will be additional training, meeting, and testing requirements depending on what optional specialty team(s) you choose to work on.

What Specialty Group/Team Options are there?

As of 2024, there are four main groups of volunteers. 

However, Emergency Management has further group needs, and we've been hearing interest from existing and new volunteers regarding developing other types of groups.

What is the difference between a group and a team?

Size is the easiest answer; groups are made up of various teams. These are standardized terms from the Incident Management world and denote where they fall into an organizational structure.

In Module 1 of the Basic Training Series you can find more about these terms.

What if I don't complete all OF THE modules of the Volunteer Basic Training Series?

The Basic Training Series is designed to develop volunteer capabilities in areas that are universal to emergency responses that volunteers may be asked to assist with. Because all volunteers go through the Volunteer Basic Training Series every two years they are reasonably prepared, if they are available and willing, to help out when requested. 

Completion of this series is required before participation in any Specialty Group or Team. Additionally, completion of this series is required before a volunteer can participate on a call out.

I have completed the CERT Training. Will this qualify me as a "general Volunteer"?

While the CERT Training is incredible, and should be widely attended, it is not specific enough to meet the training needs of General Volunteer Basic Training Series. So no it will not qualify you as a General Volunteer.

CERT Training is best used by community members to learn Preparedness and Disaster Response skills that build up Natrona Counties resilience and ability to recover from any potential disasters! 

It is worth noting that you will see a lot of CERT Training topics in the Basic Training Series, but it is not the same.  

why is there so much training if i just want to volunteer?

While there are roles that can be filled by many types of volunteers, they all require a specialized set of skills even at the General Volunteer level. Due to this in 2022 Emergency Management began the Basic Training Series to meet these skill sets. 

The amount of training reflects the need of these specific skill sets.

What is a task book?

A Position Task Book is a document that each individual volunteer uses to document specific training participation and/or demonstration of specific skills according to topic or position of that Task Book. 

Put as simple as possible, a volunteer who wants to participate in a Group or Team will "Open" a Task Book with the Group or Team Leadership's OK to do so. They then complete the tasks listed in that particular book and get each task line initialed by the Leadership of that Group or Team.

Once all the sign off's are completed the individual submits the Task Book to Emergency Management. They, along with the Group or Team Leadership, will review and approves or deny the Task Book submitted. Upon completion and approval the individual can fully participate with that specific Group or Team.