Natrona county search and rescue Group

The Natrona County Volunteer Search and Rescue Group is made up of multiple teams, designed work together to meet training, standardization, and deployment needs.

Team members are "Typed" into classifications, based on a local qualification process, modeled like the FEMA National Qualification System process. 

Type 4: Entry Level Team Member

Type 3: Intermediate Level Team Member

Type 2: Team Leader

Type 1: Advanced Team Member

NCSAR Team Supply

Sar Group Training Series

Feb - NC SAR Basics
April - EVAC Ops
May / June - NC SAR - GPS and Land Nav
Medical Assessments and Patient Reports
October - Disaster Psychology
Aug. / Sept. - NC SAR - Advanced Wilderness First Aid
Search Map Development and Field Use

NC SAR Area and Terrain Orientation Map