Feedback and Evaluations

Feedback is encouraged early and often. If at any point you have comments on a students performance and/or behavior, please contact Taylor.

Clinical Goals, site orientation, & Mid EVALUATION Reflection

aT Student Clinical Experience Goals

At the beginning of the clinical experience, you should meet with the student to discuss their goals for the clinical experience. Please review their goals in ATrack and sign at the bottom of the document. This should be completed within 1 week of the experience beginning.

Clinical orientation checklist

At the beginning of the clinical experience, you should meet with the student to review the checklist. This includes a discussion of the EAP, BBP, communication, and other orientation topics. Please review the document in ATrack and sign at the bottom of the document. This should be completed within 1 week of the experience beginning.

Mid-Experience Evaluation of AT Student

At the midpoint of the experience, you should meet with the student to review their mid-experience reflection. receptors are encouraged to provide feedback to the CEC at the mid-way point of the rotation. Please review their reflection in ATrack and sign at the bottom of the document. The CEC will also send out a link for an opportunity to provide additional feedback directly to the CEC.

End of the experience evaluation

At the end of the experience, students and preceptors should meet to have an end of the experience meeting. Students will complete a reflection that is not required to be reviewed by the preceptor. They are encouraged to complete this before the meeting so they can prepare for the meeting. The CEC will send the formal evaluation link to preceptors at the end of the experience. E-mails with due dates and reminders will be sent out each semester.