Join Pack 255

Who Can Join Pack 255?

Girls and boys in K-5th grade can join Pack 255 at any time (they do not need to start in kindergarten or first grade). Most kids in Pack 255 attend Somerset ES, Rosemary Hills ES, Chevy Chase ES or North Chevy Chase ES, and Lafayette; though about a quarter attend other nearby public or private schools in DC and Maryland.

Please feel free to visit a Den or Pack meeting or activity to confirm your interest. For more information, contact Pack 255 via email at Older kids can join the other 255 units, which you can learn more about on the 255 Family Page.

How To Join - online application / payment

Complete the online application (or click/scan the QR code to the right) at You will pay most of your BSA dues online directly to BSA (some of the annual dues need to go to the Pack to cover things we pay for directly).

BSA dues cover one year from the date you join. See below for more information on what dues pay for. We never want cost to be a barrier to participation. Please contact us if you have questions about the fees.

The Pack is able to receive payment via

 Once you join the Pack, Scoutbook Plus always has the Pack and Den calendars and details on our events. Scoutbook Plus lets you add the calendar to your Google or Apple iCal Calendars (! Please, go see  for up-to-date information!

Parent/Guardian Participation

Adult participation is a crucial element to successful Scouting! First and foremost, a parent participates by accompanying his or her kid(s) to Cub meetings and events. Second, parents participate by working with their Cub on projects and advancement requirements. Finally, a parent can participate by serving as a Cub Scout leader, or by helping organize Den or Pack activities. Cub Scouting is an all-volunteer enterprise. All the Pack and Den leaders are parent volunteers.

We need Den leaders! A little training and reading the den manual is all that's required.

ANNUAL Dues 2024-2025

All scouts pay BSA online and then pay $75 to Pack 255 by Venmo @cubscoutpack255 or PayPal (not preferred) at Please always include your scout’s full name and purpose of the payment when submitting. For example: Jane Doe -

Rock Climbing event

Our annual dues cover:

other costs