The School Programme

Our Religious Education programme is not an isolated subject - Catholic virtues permeate the whole programme. Our Virtues Programme is Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus. We begin our week with a Virtues Assembly at 8.45 am on Monday to pray together and to introduce that week's virtue, and parents/caregivers are encouraged to join us in the Church.

The Class Programme

Religious Education is integrated into the total life of the classroom. Each class learns primarily from the curriculum (in digital format for teaching) as set out by the Bishops of Aotearoa, and makes Religious Education a priority in their class programme. Each day begins and ends with a prayer. A Family Whanau on line resource assists parents/caregivers to follow the School's programmes in RE -


Prayer is an integral part of the total life of the School. Regular prayer has a vital place in the classroom, assemblies, and the staff life of the School. Parents/caregivers are invited to join and participate with their children in classroom prayer at the beginning of the day.

Buddy Prayers

Yr 6/7 /8 pupils lead small House groups of Yr 1-5 pupils in prayer on Wednesday mornings.

Masses and Liturgies

Active participation in Church liturgies is a regular feature of New Brighton Catholic School - Mary Immaculate life. We attend masses and participate in school liturgies. Parents/caregivers and family are welcome and encouraged to attend masses and liturgies which are notified in our weekly newsletter.

The Diocese Attendance Dues

The Catholic Diocese of Christchurch charges Attendance Dues which help pay for the loans on, and maintenance and improvement of school land and buildings. It is a condition of enrolment and attendance. An invoice is sent to each family at the beginning of each term. Payment is due in full at the beginning of the term or can be made in regular automatic instalments to the Catholic Parish of Christchurch East - Westpac 03 1592 0207535 24. Please note: This is not a New Brighton Catholic School account. It is a Parish/Diocese account.