Observational Astronomy

I will keep some useful information about Observational Astronomy and the SOAR telescope and its instrumentation on this page.

Information on the exposure time and setup for calibration frames of the Goodman instrument are available.

Links containing useful information of SOAR instrumentation and data processing software development

  1. Git-Hub SOAR: github.com/soar-telescope

  2. SOAR filters: noirlab.edu/science/programs/ctio/telescopes/soar-telescope/filters

  3. Goodman Pipeline: github.com/soar-telescope/goodman_pipeline/

  4. Documentation Goodman pipeline: soardocs.readthedocs.io/projects/goodman-pipeline/

  5. Goodman cookbook: noirlab.edu/science/sites/default/files/media/archives/presentations/scipresentation0071-en.pdf