About Me

I am a Resident Astronomer at the SOAR telescope in Chile.

I did my PhD studies at Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG) of University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil (2013-2018). During my PhD, I did a one-year exchanging program working as a Guest Student at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR), Bonn.

Most of my experience is focused on Observational Astronomy, particularly in Stellar Astrophysics, Massive Star Formation and Instrumentation.

I worked as a Research Assistant at Gemini South Observatory, for the commissioning of the FLAMINGOS-2 instrument. F2 is a near-infrared imager and multi-object spectrometer.

My first experiences in Science started in the Biochemistry area, working as an undergrad researcher/technician at the Energy Metabolism Laboratory at Institute of Chemistry of USP.

My top-5 hobby list is: running, cycling, playing PC games, photography and beer/wine tasting.

You can also follow my work on Research Gate or LinkedIn.