CV   and   major  scientific  achievements  – Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger



1. Personal information. Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger. OrcID ( 1883), Google scholar ID ( Professional page in French ( Twitter (


2. Education. Ph.D. in Philosophy defended on September 16, 2022, at the ENS de Lyon, France, under the supervision of Arnaud Milanèse (ENS de Lyon) and Claude Gautier (ENS de Lyon).

Master in Economics and Human Sciences at Paris 1 Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France, 09.2016-08.2017. Master's Thesis advisor: Jérôme Lallement.

Agrégation de Philosophie at the ENS de Lyon, Lyon, France, 09.2015-08.2016.

Master in Philosophy at the ENS de Lyon, Lyon, France, 09.2013-08.2015. Master's thesis advisor year 2: Arnaud Milanèse. Master's thesis advisor year 1: Claude Gautier.

Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles, Lycée Lakanal, Sceaux, France, 09.2010- 08.2013.


3.     Employment history.

01.09.2023-31.12.2023: Associate postdoctoral researcher in Triangle, ENS de Lyon, France.

09.2022-08.2023: Assistant-docteur in Political Philosophy at the Université de Fribourg, under the supervision of Ralf Bader.

09.2021-0.8.2022: Lecturer in Political Philosophy (ATER) at the ENS de Lyon. 10.2020-07.2021: Research Fellow at the Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University, under the supervision of Bruce Caldwell.

09.2017-08.2020: Doctoral Candidate and Teaching Assistant at the ENS de Lyon, under the supervision of Arnaud Milanèse and Claude Gautier.


4.     Publications (from the most recent to the less recent).

1.   Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger, 2022, "Le libéralisme de marché et la justice sociale : peut-on réconcilier Rawls et Hayek ?" (Market Liberalism and Social Justice: Can We Reconcile Rawls and Hayek?), Implications Philosophiques (online in free access : https://www.implications- rawls-et-hayek/).

2.  Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger, Malte Dold, and Alexandre Gascoin, 2022, “Realism and Deliberation in Normative Political Economy: The Fruitful Intellectual Dialogue Between Rawls and Buchanan”, in Badei, S. and Griveaux, A. (eds), The Positive and the Normative in Economics, London, Routledge: 108-128.

3.  Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger, 2022, "Walter Lippmann, la Common Law et le problème de la justification de l’interventionnisme libéral" (Walter Lippmann, the Common Laaw, aand the Problem of the Justification of Liberal Interventionism), Philosophical Enquiries, 11 (online in free access:

4.  Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger et Etienne Wiedemann, 2022, "Généalogie de la catégorie d’entrepreneur. Retour sur l’entrepreneur nietzschéen de Schumpeter" (Genealogy of the entrepreneur. Schumpeter's Nietzschean entrepreneur), Revue de Philosophie économique (accepted for publication, a pre-print is available online: 03271422/document).

5.     Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger, 2021, "Reconstructing Liberalism: Hayek, Lippmann, and the making of neoliberalism", Oeconomia, 11(2) : 281-313.

(online version:

6.     Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger and Thomas Delcey, 2020, “Beyond a methodological reading: when the efficient market hypothesis meets Hayek on information”, Journal of Economic Methodology, 27(2): 96-116.

7.     Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger et Carolina Verlengia, 2020, "Les définitions néolibérales de la démocratie, entre critique et recatégorisation" (Neoliberal Definitions of Democracy, Between Criticisms and Re-definition), Consecutio Rerum, 5(9) : 7-24. (Online free access version:

8.     Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger, 2020, "L’idéal démocratique contre la démocratie, Buchanan et l’économie politique constitutionnelle." (The Democratic Ideal Against Democracy: Buchanan and Constitutional Political Economy) Consecutio Rerum, 5(9) : 97-131. (Online free access version:

9.     Martin Beddeleem et Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger, 2020, "L’héritage conservateur du néolibéralisme" (The Conservatice Inheritance of Neoliberalism), Astérion, 23 (online in free access:


         5. Submitted works.

 1. “The Game and its Rules: Shaping Orders for Social Justice” .

2. “Can We Design Spontaneity? The Tension Between Evolution and Design in Hayek” 

3. "En défense des ordres polycentriques fédéralistes: l'argument de l'antifragilité" 


6. Current writting projects.

1. Deliberation Without Consensus: The Case for Limited Deliberation in Light of Unresolved Value Conflicts. (Draft completed)

2. Can Deliberation Cope with Complexity? (First draft completed)

3. The Ethics of Federal Institutional Competition. (Work In Progress)

4. The role of deliberation in agency-centric Behavioral Public Policy (with Malte Dold, first draft completed).

5. Deliberation and Bargaining in a Pluralist Society (with Niels Boissonet, Work in Progress).

6. Book project based on my PhD for ENS de Lyon Editions (in French).



7.     Institutional responsibilities. Head of the Junior Laboratory of Social Ontology (LEOS) at  the ENS de Lyon from 09.2018 to 08.2019.

Assistant editor at Oeconomia, from 09.2022 to now.


8. Approved research projects. Ph.D. project at the ENS de Lyon, 09.2017-08.2022: "Governing with rules: Neoliberal political and legal thinking. Hayek, Lippmann, Buchanan, Posner".

Project for the Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University, 10.2020- 07.2021: "Can We Design Spontaneity? The Tension Between Evolution and Design in Hayek".

One-year postdoctoral project at Université de Fribourg, 09.2022- 08.2023: "Making It Realist: What Can We Expect From Deliberation in a Diverse Society?"


9.     Teaching activities. For aggrégation's students (level above Master) at the ENS de Lyon: Realists and Moralists in Political Philosophy. Aristotle, Grotius, Hobbes, Smith, Rawls, and Hayek (20 hours, 15 students, no examination), 09-2021/02-2022. 2. Political Representation in English and American Political Philosophy. Hobbes, Locke, the Federalists and Mill (20 hours, 20 students, no examination), 10-2019/02-2020. 3. Reading Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments. (10 hours, 15 students, oral examination), 02- 2020/05.2020. 4. Preparation for the General Philosophy Examination. (35 hours, twice, 40 students, dissertation and oral examination), 09.2017/06. 2018 and 09.2018/06.2019. For Master's students: 1. Philosophy of Social Sciences, Introduction (30 hours, 25 students, written examination), at the ENS de Lyon, 09.2021/12.2021. 2. Philosophy, Politics, and Economics: Should We Respect People's Preferences? (30 hours, 10 students, written examination), at the ENS de Lyon, 01.2022/06.2022. 3. Introduction to the Philosophy of Economics. (6 hours, 15 students, no examination), in Paris 1 Université, 03.2020. 4. Neoliberal Political Philosophy (three-time, between 15 and 40 students, written examination), at the ENS de Lyon. 01.2019/06.2019, 01.2020/06.2020, and 01.2022/06.2022.

For Bachelor's students at the ENS de Lyon: 1. Introduction to Moral Philosophy: Moral Dilemmas. (30 hours, 25 students, written examination), 01.2020/06.2020. 2. Introduction    to Political Philosophy: The concept of sovereignty. (30 hours, 25 students, written examination), 01.2019/06.2019. 3. The Methodology of Philosophical Writing: Dissertation and Commentaries. (20 hours, 45 students, written and oral examination), 09.2017/06.2018.

At the Université de Fribourg : 1. Public Reason Before and After Rawls (40hours, 7 students, oral and written examination). 02.2023 to 06.2023.


10.  Membership of Boards and Reviewing Activities. Book review editor for Oeconomia


Reviewing activity for Journal of the History of Economic Thought, European Journal for the History of Economic Thought, Astérion, The Tocqueville Review, Oeconomia, European Journal of Law and Economics, Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Consecutio Rerum.


11.  Active membership in Scientific Societies. I am an active member of Rehpere (for Research network for the history and philosophy of contemporary economics) since 01.2017. See: and of NOUS (Network for Constitutional Economics and Social Philosophy), see since 09. 2019. I am also a member of the International Network for Economic Methodology (INEM).

12.  Organization of conferences. As the main or one of the main organizers: 1. "Democracy and Neoliberalism", at the ENS de Lyon, 10.2019. 2. "Public Reason and Moral Diversity," at the Université de Fribourg, 12.2022. 3. 8 Workshops of the Social Ontology Junior Laboratory at the ENS de Lyon, 10.2018/06.2019 4. International Conference of Economic Philosophy, Reims, 2024.

13.  Prizes, Awards, and Fellowships. 09.2017/08.2020 – Research grant for my Ph.D. in Political Philosophy at the ENS de Lyon. 02.2020 – Invitation at the Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University, for archival work on Walter Lippmann. 10.2020/06.2021 – Research fellowship at the Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University. 09.2021/06.2022 – Adam Smith Fellowship by the Mercatus Center, George Mason University.

Language skills. French (native), English (working language), German (B2 level).