Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger | Political Philosophy; Philosophy of Economics


I am a french philosopher, with a strong interest in Economics and the History of ideas.  My main research interests lie in Political Philosophy (in particular, markets and democracy, value pluralism) and Philosophy of Economics (Decision theory, social choice, competitive markets). I am also interested in the history of these domains, more particularly the history of liberalism and neo-liberalism. 

In September 2022, I completed my Ph.D. dissertation in Political Philosophy at the ENS de Lyon in France: Governing with rules, political and legal neoliberal thinking, which focused on the contribution of Hayek, Lippmann, Buchanan, and Posner. This work was conducted partly at Duke University (Center for the History of Political Economy), where I stayed for one year.  In this dissertation, I study neoliberalism as a political theory mainly interested in the problem of the design of good rules to promote competitive markets. 

During a postdoc in Fribourg after my Ph.D, I extended my research to the outcome of my dissertation, namely the effect of the recognition of complexity and value pluralism for contemporary societies. This led me to work on deliberative democracy as a way to cope with complexity and pluralism, and on polycentricity and federalism. I also partly work on topics related to behavioral economics.