Peer-Reviewed Publications:


Competition among public good providers for donor rewards. 2022 (with Blanco, E. and Walker, J.M.) Experimental Economics. Open Access. Replication files:

Substitution of social sustainability concerns under the Covid-19 pandemic. 2022 (with Blanco, E.; Baier, A.; Holzmeister, F. and Jaber-Lopez, T.) Ecological Economics. Open Access. Replication files:

Long term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on social concerns. 2021. (with Blanco, E.; Baier, A.; Holzmeister, F. and Jaber-Lopez, T.) Frontiers in Psychology. Open Access. Replication files:

Experimental evidence on sharing rules and additionality in transfer payments. 2021. (with Blanco, E. and Walker, J. M.) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Open Access. Replication files:


Why do outsiders make donations to public good providers?. 2023. (with Bogner, K. and Blanco, E.) Book chapter in Behavioral Economics and the Environment: A Research Companion, Routledge. (Peer-reviewed chapter).

Working Papers & (selected) Work in Progress:

Increasing benefits in one-time public goods does not promote cooperation (with Blanco, E. and Walker, J. M.) [Revise & Resubmit. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences]

Previously circulated as:

Working Papers, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Innsbruck, 2023-08.

Working Papers, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Innsbruck, 2023-02.

Accepting the newcomer: Do information and voting institutions shape prosocial choices withing groups? (with Baier, A.) [preparation of manuscript].

Reducing strategic uncertainty increases group protection in collective risk social dilemmas (with Benda J., Steimanis, I. and Blanco, E.) [preparation of manuscript].

Experimental evidence on the relationship between public goods and private transfers to alleviate inequality. (with Banerjee, A. and Shi, Y.) [data collection].

On the validity of prosocial measures: A systematic comparison between experimental tasks and real-life decisions. (with Blanco, E.; Baier, A. and Lorè, L.) [early development].

Funded Research Projects:

Experimental Evidence on the Relationship between Public Goods and Private Donations to Alleviate Inequality. 2023-2024. Early Stage Funding, Vizerektorat für Forschung der Universität Innsbruck. AMOUNT: 9.000 €. PI: Natalie Struwe. Collaboration with Anwesha Banerjee & Yixuan Shi.

Providing Ecosystem Services When Outsiders Support Insiders. 2019-2023. Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF). AMOUNT: 395.860,50 €. PI: Esther Blanco, in collaboration with James M. Walker (Indiana University).