Conference Presentations & Seminars


20th International Conference on Social Dilemmas, Leiden University (Netherlands): "Reducing strategic uncertainty increases group protection in collective risk social dilemmas".

7th Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop, Bloomington, Indiana : "Reducing strategic uncertainty increases group protection in collective risk social dilemmas". Organization of Panel "Economic Experiments for the Environment" & Invited Speaker at the conference closing panel. 


28th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Limassol Cyprus: "Donations to increase productivity of public good production - experimental evidence." 

EPoS Climate Action Workshop @ University of Innsbruck: "Including donors in the provision of payments for ecosystem services"


19th International Conference on Social Dilemmas, University of Copenhagen (Denmark): Poster presentation of "Competition Among Public Good Providers for Donor Rewards".

Experimental Economics Brownbag Seminar, Indiana University, Bloomington (U.S.): "Donations changing the Productivity of Public Good Provision."

7th Workshop on Experimental Economics for the Environment (ZEW Germany): "Donations changing the Productivity of Public Good Provision."


2021 North-American Economic Science Association Meeting, Tucson, Arizona (U.S.): "Competition Among Public Good Providers for Donor Rewards."

20th Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet - international conference in public economics, Marseille (France): "Experimental Evidence on Sharing Rules and Additionality in Transfer Payments."

2021 Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association (NOeG), Innsbruck (Austria): "Experimental Evidence on Sharing Rules and Additionality in Transfer Payments."

Attended Conferences & Workshops:

BIOECON Conference (Cambridge, 2018); 5th Workshop on Experimental Economics for the Environment (Heidelberg, 2020); Euregio Economics Workshop (Bolzano, 2022; Innsbruck 2023); Innsbruck Winter Summit on (Un)Ethical Behavior in Markets (2019,2023,2024), 10th Science of Philantrophy Initiative Conference (Chicago, 2023).