Life styles

The french in all their stretcher

Eating times

At the evening the french family eat dinner together and talk about what they`ve been doing through the day, and they eat in school at 12 o’clock. They have a lot of plates on their tables. They have four different, the entree, the main course, there is something they call «cheese time» and the dessert.(AnastasiaDardamani, MariaKaramoutsiou,Lamprini Tsolakou,Carla)


There are a lot of differences between French and Greek lifestyle habits. First of all in France when someone see someone else, even if they don’t know well each other, they kiss once or twice on the cheeks because it is for saying hello and it is a tradition. They kiss one, two or four times, it depends on where you live.(AnastasiaDardamani,Maria Karamoutsiou,Lamprini Tsolakou,Carla)


The most of the French families have pets in their houses. 40% of French families have pets. A lot of families have two or three pets because they love animals and they are domesticated. meet Anna's pets!(AnastasiaDardamani,Maria Karamoutsiou,Lamprini Tsolakou,Carla)

The french fashion


In France you can find a lot of clothe stores. They also have Haute couture ( Chanel, Christian Dior, etc). There are «special» shopping centers for the expensive brands and you can find them only in big cities. In every small city and villages they have shops that they can buy their clothes. They have a special style of dressing, they wear jeans daily. Clothes should be expensive because if they aren't then everyone criticize and so parents are under great pressure. French teenager are allowed to wear makeup in school. They don’t put too much makeup. They put mascara, some lipstick and face powder. French girls want to be comfortable and pretty at the same time and that’s why they don’t wear a lot of makeup.(AnastasiaDardamani,MariaKaramoutsiou,Lamprini Tsolakou,Carla)

Parties and Festivals

Festivals of theatRE

The French have a lot of different kinds of festivals. For example in Sarlat they have theater festival ,that takes place in summer because they love theatre and they want to dedicate one day for theatre. (AnastasiaDardamani, MariaKaramoutsiou,Lamprini Tsolakou,Carla)

party of music

This one is more like a party because it's cool,friendly and you can meets your friends. In 21st of June all the French go out to the streets and play music and dance. They play every type of music and if they can sing or play an instrument they play it in the streets. This party is also an opportunity to go out with our friends, have a good time outside the school setting. This party usually ends at 2 or 3 a.m.(AnastasiaDardamani,Mariakaramoutsiou,Lamprini Tsolakou,Carla)

Festival of french language

In the 20th of March is the Festival of French language because there are a lot of people who like this language. Every country who speaks French they celebrate this day. They do a lot of activities with french words this day. They do poetry. They write and there is a big dictation.(AnastasiaDardamani,Maria Karamoutsiou,Lamprini Tsolakou,Carla)

Sarlat's carnival

In March there is a carnival in Sarlat. It’s always Saturday and everyone take their costumes and take part of the parade bacause it is cool,friendly,funny ans you can meet your friends. The most of the people are children and the parede takes part on the afternoon because there are a lot of children as we said before and it’s more easy for the families to bring them.(Anastasia Dardamani,Maria Karamoutsiou,Lamprini Tsolakou,Carla)

French leisure


The French are really good at electronic music, the most famous is DJ Snake. The most popular singer is Maître Gims, Jain, bigflo et oli. There is a new singer called Angel and he’s really talented. Last year a really important singer died, his name was Johnny Hallyday, and his funeral was really big, even the president came. The most famous song of him was “allumer le feux”. Edith Piaf she was born in december 19 in 1915 and she died in 1963 at age of 47 she do french variety the most famous song of her is "la vie en rose " (AnastasiaDardamani,MariaKaramoutsiou, Lamprini Tsolakou,Carla)

movies and series

The French do more romance, drama and comedy series and movies than science fiction or thrillers. One of the most famous series is “Plus belle la vie”. The serie began at 2004 and continues till today. A movie that everyone knows is “intouchables” because it is funny and it makes you feel mixed emotions. It is a drama and comedy movie at the same time. In Paris, the aristocratic and intellectual Philippe is a quadriplegic millionaire who is interviewing candidates for the position of his career. Out of the blue, Driss cuts the line of candidates and brings a document from the Social Security and asks Phillipe to sign it to prove that he is seeking a job position so he can receive his unemployment benefit. Philippe challenges Driss, offering him a trial period of one month to gain experience helping him. Then Driss can decide whether he would like to stay with him or not. Driss accepts the challenge and moves to the mansion, changing the boring life of Philippe and his employees.(AnastasiaDardamani,MariaKaramoutsiou,Lamprini Tsolakou,Carla)


One of France's most famous Youtuber is "John Bean " , who had 2,2 million youtuber users who follwed him. His nickname on youtube was ''TotalBiscuit''. He died from cancer 26 May 2018. He was only 33years old. He was married with Jena. John had become known in 2010. He starded uploading video from electronic games.In 2014, it was diagnosed with cancer. Finally, when the followers learned that he died, many of them expressed their sadness.(AnastasiaDardamani,Maria Karamoutsiou,Lamprini Tsolakou)

Typical french food

the sweets

the french typical cake

This is a "macaron".

The candy in france is very different from Greenland and greece.

The greenlandic candy

Greenlanders don

the greec candy

this is a loukoum

A typical meal of Dordogne: confit de canard and potatoes.

Battle water to finish our day.


The French people are really nice and helpful. They are open and are not shy.

Before coming to France we thougth that most of the people could speak English. Only few people speak English, but we can communicate by using gestures and body language. Before we met the french people we thought they were very reserved and feminin, but when we met them they were very similar to us, because they can be very loud , and they listen to music everywhere. While we were in France we also noticed the food we eat have a lot of sugar but it taste very good. The school is very different from ours, for example we noticed something that was very strange for us and that was the church at the school because in our school we don't have our own church. we also found out the weather can be very cold, more than we expected.

the trends

the fortnitE dance challenge

the backpack or floss

the hype

take the L
