2024 news

ACS Speaker Directory 

April 23, 2024

I have recently joined the ACS Speaker Directory. Check out my profile and contact me if you are interested in booking me for a speaking engagement: 

ACS Speaker Directory 

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IOP Trusted Reviewer status

March 18, 2024

‘IOP trusted reviewer’ status is achieved following the submission of a top-quality review report, as graded by our experienced editors. It indicates a high level of peer review competence and the ability to constructively critique scientific literature to an exceptional standard. 

🪪View acreditation here

A nanomedicine research project with social impact has been approved.

February 13, 2024 

The project submitted by the Nanomedicine Research Group of the University of Chihuahua, entitled "Development of nanomedicine systems for extended release of bioactive compounds, extracted from high yielding nuts in the state of Chihuahua, as adjuncts in chemotherapy treatments for leukemia", has been APPROVED.

This innovative project proposes a promising strategy to improve chemotherapy treatments for leukemia, through the use of nanotechnology and bioactive compounds extracted from local high-yielding nuts. The research will focus on the development of extended release systems to optimize the efficacy of these compounds as therapeutic adjuncts.

The research team is excited about the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of medicine and looks forward to making significant advances in the treatment of leukemia. We are grateful for the support provided by all the institutions involved and look forward to sharing the results of this exciting project in the near future.

Results: Felicitacion_PIISO.jpg (3300×5100) (uacj.mx) 

Full membership in sigma xi

January, 17, 2024 

Acknowledgment of Scholarly Achievements in the Advancement of Knowledge

In a significant recognition of scholarly contributions, Christian Chapa Gonzalez has been nominated for Full Membership in Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society. The nomination highlights Gonzalez's exceptional work and dedication to advancing knowledge in his field.

Sigma Xi, the world's largest interdisciplinary scientific honor society, brings together over 200 Nobel Laureates under a shared mission to enhance the research enterprise's health, foster integrity in science and engineering, and promote public understanding of science for the betterment of humanity.

The nomination serves as a testament to Chapa's outstanding accomplishments and places him among a select group of distinguished researchers. Membership in Sigma Xi is a prestigious distinction that offers a myriad of opportunities to support and further one's career.

Dr. Chapa expressed gratitude for the honor, stating, "I am thrilled to be considered for Full Membership in Sigma Xi. This nomination not only recognizes my individual efforts but also underscores the importance of collaborative, innovative research."

Sigma Xi provides its members access to programs and initiatives that recognize innovators, support interdisciplinary research, and foster responsible conduct of research. Additionally, members are equipped with the skills to effectively communicate science, cultivate the next generation of researchers, and promote public understanding of scientific advancements.

As Chapa considers the acceptance of this prestigious nomination, the scientific community eagerly anticipates the potential impact his membership in Sigma Xi could have on the advancement of knowledge and the promotion of scientific integrity.

For further information about Sigma Xi and its commitment to excellence in scientific research, please visit Sigma Xi's website.

Groundbreaking Review Explores Treatment Efficacy for Hemiplegia in Acute Ischemic Stroke 

January 13, 2024

In a recent publication in Ibrain, researchers Karen Adriana Carrillo Navarrete and Christian Chapa González delve into the critical realm of acute ischemic stroke treatment. Their systematic review, "Hemiplegia in Acute Ischemic Stroke," scrutinizes the impact of intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) and mechanical thrombectomy (MT) within a 4.5-hour window, shedding light on their effectiveness in patients with hemiplegia.

The comprehensive analysis, following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines, reveals a positive trend in neurological symptom improvement and functional recovery. The study underscores the challenges of patient heterogeneity and limited IVT use due to contraindications, emphasizing the need for personalized treatment strategies. The findings highlight the dual benefits of early thrombolytic interventions and MT in enhancing neurological status and functional outcomes in acute ischemic stroke patients.

Read the full article: Hemiplegia in Acute Ischemic Stroke

Published in Ibrain on January 13, 2024.