Welcome to the official homepage of the NANOLAB at IIT(ISM) Dhanbad .....

We are housed in the Room No. 628, New Academic Building, Electronics Engineering department of IIT(ISM) Dhanbad. Our workforce consists of graduate and undergraduate students and visiting interns. Our research is supported by Department of Science and Technology (DST), MHRD, MeitY, TIH, and IIT(ISM), Dhanbad. Through our research, we are trying to address some of the fundamental issues in frontiers areas of nanoelectronic device and circuit design. In particular, key research topics include: Modeling and performance optimization of Carbon nanotube, Graphene Nanoribbon and other emerging material based interconnects for next generation VLSI applications; Modeling and Simulation of Emerging 2-D material based devices for VLSI applications; Modeling and Simulation of 2-D material FET-based Chemical and Biosensors; and VLSI Circuits and Systems. Few glimpses of our ongoing research work are illustrated below:

A. Research and Development on Nano-Interconnects:

Performance and Signal Integrity analysis of MLGNR Interconnects

B. Research and Development on Nano-Devices:

Silicene Nanoribbon Tunnel FET for Digital Applications

Modeling of 2-D Short channel Transition Metal Dichalcogenide (TMD) FET

C. Research and Development on FET-based Biosensors:

Modeling and Simulation of 2-D Transition Metal Dichalcogenide (TMD), Dielectric modulated FET-based Extremely Sensitive Biosensor

Personal Links:

Web of Science [Web of Science Researcher ID: GCV-4840-2022]

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