Floraisna is one of my original species. If you ever saw something similar, I assure you it is just a coincidence and not intentional.

(NOTHING listed here makes part of some kind of closed species. You can create your own (Aquatic Creature)-Person for free. Of course, you can commission me to design one for you, but it is not necessary.)

(This page is in some work in progress, as new information may be added or changed in the future.)

They are made of magic, like some kind of doll that can turn "human" when the right spell is used. You can only create them with dark magic. They are creatures made of dark magic because giving a rational conscience of the world to an unanimated object is considered cruelty.

They are very naive and always eager to learn more, since they never really had a conscience before their Masters gave it to them through dark magic. Floraisna not evil, their Masters who command them are.

Floraisna usually lives in the wild, like forests, trees, and even in water. Their Masters let them in the wild with the sole purpose of gathering materials and components for them. Since they have Masters, they don't really live in a society, so when they find another Floraisna, they usually fight for that territory.

Everything that has a flower can be a Floraisna. *Specific* Seasonal flowers turn into different kinds of Floraisna; They're still the same, but with the season difference!


They all are created in the same process. First you gotta create their arms and legs with some kind of blade, and then, the spell takes action.

When they don't have a sturdy stem, they can still be created, but they'll suffer a bit.

 If you never alter their height, they'll always be the same size as the stem of the flower they were created after. The biggest example of a Floraisna that was altered to the maximum of height, strength, and capability it can get are my OCs: Clove and Rosa, which was made using magic.


General Characteristics:

When "human", they are very slender and retain many characteristics of their flowers:

Seasonal Floraisna Characteristics.

" Spring "

They are more upbeat and social than usual! Their optimism is contagious, that's their biggest weapon. 

They are more naive and innocent than the rest by far.

They are also very small and kinda weak compared with the others. But hey, they are the cutest!

" Summer "

Super shy and always hiding. Usually, they are created after lily pads because they have the advantage of being able to live in the water to get different components, and also not being slowed down because of the scalding sun in summer. The only cost is not being able to locomote very well outside the water because of their fragile structure, mostly made of roots.

Though rare, when they leave the water, they can glide for a short while using their lily pad head.

On summer, Sunflowers are awesome to be made into Floraisnas too!

" Fall 🍁"

They have a pretty spiky and rude personality. Though they have such a strong personality, they are as naive and innocent as any other Floraisna.

They are the tallest and also the strongest when the subject is making wounds in persons and in "enemy" Floraisnas.

" Winter ❄︎ "

Not exactly shy, but they 100% avoid contact. They are always alert for danger.

They can endure the cold of winter, but they don't have a good performance in other seasons. They are the ones that survive the most because of their cautiousness.

They are the most intelligent ones, being able to develop traps and even hunt small animals.
