濱本耕平のサイト / Kohei Hamamoto's website

濱本耕平のサイトへようこそ / Welcome to Kohei Hamamoto's website



Welcome to Kouhei Hamamoto’s site. I am a marine biologist who primarily researches sea cucumbers. I will be sharing about my daily activities and introducing my research.

2024/05/30: 瀬底ステーションにハブがいました / Habu encounter


1.5 mほどあったでしょうか、結構大きくて貫禄がありました。踏まなくて良かった…

Just as I was about to go home after completing the experiment of settling coral larvae, there was a large "Habu" snake in front of the gate of Sesoko Station. It was about 1.5 meters long and quite impressive. I’m relieved that I didn’t run over it with the car.

2024/05/22~しばらくの間: サンゴが産卵しました / Coral spawning


This happens around this time every year, but this year again, the coral (Acropora digitifera) has spawned. All the colonies we had prepared spawned, and although it was a joyous occasion, the sheer number made it quite challenging.


Zooming in on the coral just before spawning, you can see the pink spots which are the eggs. They are already about halfway out.


This is a fertilized egg of coral. If the water quality deteriorates, it will die, so you must diligently change the water during early development. We took turns at 1 a.m., 3 a.m., 5 a.m., etc… Thank you to everyone from Kitasato University for their halp.


This is a microscopic photo of the early developmental embryos of coral, some of which have begun to undergo cell division. These embryos will metamorphose into planula larvae and start swimming in a few days.




We were able to obtain an incredible number of embryos (about 1.5 to 2 times the usual amount?). 

Last year, the spawning occurred on the day of a direct hit from a typhoon, and everyone struggled to cope without air conditioning or electricity. This year was challenging in a different way (we couldn’t use the air conditioning again this year due to a breakdown though…). 

Experiments using early-stage coral polyps are also part of my research theme, so I must continue to take good care of them.

2024/05/26: 沖縄生物学会で発表してきました / I gave a presentation at Okinawa Biology Conference


I gave an oral presentation at the Okinawa Biological Society meeting for the first time in several years. This time, it was a joint meeting of four societies, and I learned a lot from listening to talks that I don’t usually get to hear.






My presentation this time was about the analysis results of environmental DNA obtained from the coastal and river waters around Ishigaki Island. 

As an aside, it’s been over a year since I got my degree and left the university, and I’m gradually forgetting the atmosphere of the university, but I was happy to see the faces of my juniors after a long time. 

I hope to participate again next year and make some kind of presentation.

2024/05/14: 論文がでました!/ New paper is now out!

このほど、Science of The Total Environment誌から「Asymmetric genetic population structures at the range edges of a mangrove whelk」という題で論文が出版されました!



また、集団遺伝構造を分析した結果(genetic beta-diversityというものを使いました)、北限集団(日本)では地点間の遺伝子流動が大きく、南限集団(アフリカ大陸南東沿岸)では地点間が隔絶しているであろうということがわかりました。われわれは海流がこの違いを引き起こしているんじゃないかと考えています。



Recently, a paper titled ‘Asymmetric genetic population structures at the range edges of a mangrove whelk’ was published in the journal Science of The Total Environment! The species we used this time, Terebralia palustris, has a fairly wide distribution in the Indo-Pacific, and in this paper, we discussed the genetic population structure and its formation process at the distribution edges using the African and Okinawa populations. To put it simply, surprisingly, based on the comparison of mitochondrial COI sequences, there was no clear genetic isolation between the African and Japanese populations, suggesting that there is relatively genetic exchange, or the distribution has expanded in recent years. Also, as a result of analyzing the population genetic structure (we used genetic beta-diversity), we found that the gene flow between sites is large in the northern limit population (Japan), and the sites are likely to be isolated in the southern limit population (southeast coast of the African continent). We think that ocean currents may be causing this difference. If you are interested, you can read it for free from the link below for 50 days. Of course, if you contact me personally, I will share it even after 50 days, so please let me know anytime!


2024/04/23: こんなにデカいのは初めてみました / First ever encounter to such a big sea slug.





The other day, after finishing a eDNA sampling at the Sesoko Station pier, I noticed a strange orange object on the beach as I was walking back. At first, I thought it was a children’s float or beach ball… but on closer inspection, it was wriggling! I quickly went down to the shore to salvage it, and to my surprise, it was a large sea slug (Hexabranchus sanguineus?, in other word, Spanish dancer) about 30cm in size. I knew they could grow big, but this was the first time I had seen one this size, and I was surprised. Apparently, they can grow up to about 60cm… I thought I would be a little scared if I saw it in the sea.



I took photos in case there was a press coverage (which didn’t happen). 

The sandal placed next to it is about 28cm long.

2024/02/29:科研費は不採択でした… / Grant application didn't go well






On the day of destiny, I checked the results of my research grant at Yoron Airport… Unfortunately, it was not accepted. Things don’t always go as planned, but for now, I think all I can do is try my best to write papers. 

By the way, this photo is of a beautiful sea peeking through the limestone, and Okinawa Island (probably Cape Hedo?) in the distance, which I found in Yoron. Like this beautiful sea, I want to work diligently with a clear mind (the sea conditions were the worst on this day though).

2024/02/27-29:与論島に調査に行ってきました / I perticipated a research trip to Yoron Island.



I went on a water sampling survey to Yoron Island at the end of February and it was a meaningful survey. I was warmly welcomed by the people of Yoron, and I was deeply moved. It seems that I will be able to cooperate in various ways, so I hope to introduce it here from time to time.


It’s a rare sight to see a tunnel that goes under a runway. I wonder what would happen if a plane came while I was inside…


At Yoron Airport. It was such a peaceful place.


The mouth of a river where red soil flows out. In Yoron, sewage treatment facilities are not well developed, and it seems that many households rely on combined septic tanks installed in each home. And therefore it’s a problem that domestic wastewater can flow out into the sea.

2024/03/02:サンゴ礁ウィークで解説を担当してきました / I joined an event about coral reefs.







I gave a lecture on coral reefs at an event held on March 5th. I mainly talked about sea cucumbers and introduced creatures living in the coral reefs, such as sea urchins and parrotfish. 

In the morning, I was interviewed by RBC Ryukyu Broadcasting, and Mioka, the fourth Miss Warin, listened to various stories! I was moved when she wore the sea cucumber costume I had worked hard to make. It was made for children about four years ago, but it had been avoided because it was creepy, so I felt rewarded. 

I was reminded once again that the role of connecting research and society is very important. I don’t want to forget this feeling, and I want to continue to bridge nature and society.

2024/02/28:論文が出版されました / New paper is now out!


今年の初めに受理されていたキバウミニナの新産地報告短報がPlankton and Benthos Research誌から出版されたようです。これまで宮古島が最北端だと考えられていた本種ですが、今回座間味から新たに個体群を報告しました。




A short report on a new habitat for Terebralia palustris, which was accepted at the beginning of this year, have been published from the Plankton and Benthos Research journal. Until now, this species was thought to have its northernmost distribution in Miyako Island, but this time we reported a new population from Zamami Island, Kerama Islands, Okinawa. Whether it has dispersed naturally or through other introduction routes is known only to God… However, according to shell mound records and such, it seems to have been distributed in Okinawa Island in the past, so it might be found from Okinawa Island in the future. 

This species has a very wide distribution area from the African continent to the Western Pacific, and we are currently submitting a paper on that as well, so I think I will introduce about this species again in the near future. *It has been published too now! https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1j7rUB8cd0NkX

2024/02/08:沖縄県立向陽高校で講師を務めてきました / I have served as a lecturer on eDNA sampling.



I taught about the sampling method of environmental DNA in a class at Okinawa Prefectural Kohyo High School. Professor Koeda and others from the Faculty of Science at the University of the Ryukyus also participated. 

Environmental DNA sampling is relatively simple and easy, and it has a high level of social attention, so I will continue to work to make it known to various people.

2024/02/04:イベント講師を務めてきました-2 / I organized an educational event -2


Following my previous post, I would like to introduce the event I organized, through photos.


There were many creatures in the outdoor tank. Looking at the grouper, someone said, ‘It looks delicious!’


I explained about the Sesoko Station using slides.


We observed small fish and coral at the pier.


We also held an observation session using a microscope. The children all worked hard to draw sketches.


We also conducted observations using a fluorescence microscope.

2024/02/04:イベントの講師を務めてきました-1 / I organized an educational event -1






I organized a facility introduction tour of the Sesoko Station at the University of the Ryukyus. I have visited here many times since I was an undergraduate and have conducted practical training and surveys, but when I introduce it and looked into various things, there were many things I didn’t know, and it was very educational. In particular, the annual users of Sesoko were about 3,000 people related to the University of the Ryukyus and about 3,000 external users, which far exceeded my expectations. 

The target was upper elementary school students, and the capacity was 20 people, but there were over 200 applicants. Everyone who participated listened to the story seriously and asked a lot of questions.

2024/01/26-28:宮古島での調査に参加してきました / I perticipated to a field trip to Miyako.





 I had the opportunity to join a survey on Miyako Island, where we conducted habitat surveys for Geothelphusa miyakoensis and Terebralia palustris. I was completely captivated by the sight of Miyako Island, which I had never seen before. Especially, the transparency of the water at the bottom of the cave was amazing! I would love to visit again soon.

The 'octopus bowl' was also very delicious. Depending on the shop, if the timing is good, you can also eat pasta with octopus (not squid) ink. It seems to have a bitterness, and I’m curious about the taste.

I heard that in Miyako Island, the Janome sea cucumber is used for food. I definitely want to try it the next time I visit. 


2023/11/09 備忘録:Rのバージョンに対応していない古いパッケージをインストールする

"Warning in install.packages :

  package ‘PACKAGENAME’ is not available for this version of R"


# まずCRAN archive から目当てのパッケージ、バージョンを探し、以下のような感じで格納

url <- "https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/PACKAGENAME/PACKAGENAME_1.0.4.tar.gz"

pkgFile <- "PACKAGENAME_1.0.4.tar.gz"

download.file(url = url, destfile = pkgFile)



# Install package

install.packages(pkgs=pkgFile, type="source", repos=NULL)

2023/10/03 イベントの講師をしてきました / I served as a lecture at a field observation

縁あって、沖縄県公衆衛生協会様の方で行なっていらっしゃる「沖縄県委託事業令和5年度子ども科学技術人材育成事業 高校生を対象としたボトムアップ型体験プログラムで講師をさせていただきました。ずばり「ナマコ博士といく、イノー観察!」ということで、ナマコ含む様々な生物について色々とお話しさせていただきました。…途中までナマコが見つからずまずいぞと思っていましたが、幸いなことに中盤クリイロナマコくんに助けられました。



By chance, I served as a lecturer at a field observation for local high school students. The students seemed a little nervous at first, but gradually they loosened up, asked questions, and actively participated, which made the interpretation very enjoyable. I hope to have another opportunity to interact with local children.

2023/08/28 沖縄島北部で調査 / field observation at northern Okinawa


I conducted a survey of sea cucumbers on the northern west coast of Okinawa Island. When I poked at a suspiciously bulging sand, something happened…



A Bohadschia vitiensis was hiding. There were a lot of Bohadschia vitiensis and Stichopus chloronotus in this place, I wonder what attracts them…

2023/08/23 備忘録:台風の後片付け / Typhoon damage


After the typhoon that lingered around Okinawa from the end of July to the beginning of August had passed, we cleaned up the pier with everyone at the Sesoko Station.



Among them were large coral reefs, such as the Porites, which would have been alive before the typhoon. The remains of the Spirobranchus were still attached to their surfaces. The power of a typhoon is indeed terrifying.

2023/08/16 サンゴ幼生の観察 / Coral babies!



I took a picture of a baby coral that I managed to settle down. 

With naked eyes, it looked like nothing more than brown dirt, and I was worried that it might have died a long time ago, but I’m glad it seemed healthy.