北海道大学 電子科学研究所



Nagashima Laboratory

Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University

Laboratory of Interactive Functional Materials

Welcome to join us !


We welcome not only bachelor students in Hokkaido Univ. but also master/PhD students from other universities and departments. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Prof. Nagashima.





Pursuing Science on Interactive Electronics at Atomic/Molecular Scale

Chemical information from molecules has extraordinary amount of information beyond physical information, and its effective use is expected towards the next-generation information society. While conventional electronic materials and devices have been isolated from outer environment to prevent degradation, materials/devices for collecting chemical information from humans and the environment should aggressively interact with outside. Our lab aims to develop a novel platform of "interactive electronics" for collecting chemical information of molecules by designing robust molecular recognition materials/devices at atomic/molecular scale. We pursue fusion science over materials, devices and data, and take on the challenge of creating new value through chemical information.

What's New



The book "Engineering Crystal Habit" has been released from Springer Publisher.



Kazama and Matsumura were selected as the winners of Best Presentation Award (Poster Section) and Presentation Award (Oral Section) at Chemical Society Hokkaido Branch Toukiken 2025.



Kazama and Matsumura gave presentations at Chemical Society Hokkaido Branch Toukiken 2025.


【講演会・セミナー】産業技術総合研究所藤岡正弥先生に電子研学術講演会にてご講演頂きました。Link To Seminar

Dr. Masaya Fujioka from The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) visited our lab and gave a talk at RIES Academic Lecture.


【論文】M1松村君のZnOナノシートの結晶成長メカニズムとUVセンシング応用に関する研究成果がACS Applied Nano Materialsに掲載されました。九大先導研 斉藤先生, 東京科学大 安井先生, 北大電子研 松尾先生, 北大理学研究院 小林先生, 奈須先生との共同研究成果です。Supplementary Coverにも採択されました。

The paper "Selective Growth of ZnO Nanosheets via Ionic Layer Epitaxy for UV Photodetection Application" has been published in ACS Applied Nano Materials. Selected as Supplementary Cover
