Apartments Search Responsive Website

The problem:

  • Users need to search for all apartments options available within their budget.

  • Users need to be able to schedule a viewing online for both online and on site tours.

The goal:

To design a responsive website for all users to check out apartments within their budget limits and to be able to schedule both online or on site viewings.

Image of the homepage of the responsive websie

The role:

A UX designer, carrying out all required UX research and designing procedures that include planning and conducting research and testing along with ideating, wireframing and prototyping.

Pain Points:

  • Some websites were not responsive enough to different devices

  • Some websites did not contain enough images and details about the different apartments offered

  • Some websites did not contain enough images and details about the different apartments offered

  • Some websites did not offer search filtering options for the different budget limits.


Image of the persona

User Journey Map:

Image of the journey map

Site Map:

My goal was to create a strategic information architecture map that would highlight the smooth user navigation through the website to access the desired features for both desktop and mobile views.

Image of the site map

Designing Digital Wireframes From Paper Wireframes:

Low Fidelity Prototypes:

Usability study:


Study type: Unmoderated usability study

Location: United States, remote

Participants: 5 participants

Length: 20-30 minutes


  • Users struggled to book multiple appointments

  • Users needed the option to schedule both online and on-site appointments simultaneously.

  • Users needed to confirm multiple appointments simultaneously


Image of the mockup

High Fidelity Prototypes:

Accessibility considerations:

  • Headings with different sized text for a clearer visual hierarchy

  • Used landmarks to help users better navigate through the website

  • Inserted clear images for a better searching experience.

  • Applied color contrasts for a clear visual experience



Our target users shared that the website was user friendly, easy to navigate and contains their desired features

What I learned:

To always listen well to the users needs and empathize with their challenges to be able to design useful products that are attractive to the end users

Next Steps:

  • Conduct follow up usability studies on new website with more participants from diverse backgrounds

  • Include more accessibility features as more language options would be useful for a more diverse user experience

  • Insert text to speech option for more accessibility