Restaurant App

The problem:

Busy and frequent customers found it challenging and time consuming to order and wait for their meals on site.

The goal:

To provide an online alternative so customers can order and pay for their meals online along with choosing their preferred pick up times.

The role:

A UX designer, carrying out all required UX research and designing procedures that include planning and conducting research and testing along with ideating, wireframing and prototyping.

Image of the homepage of the modern restaurant mobile app

Pain Points:

  • Users found it time consuming to order on site.

  • Users needed to choose their own pick up times.

  • Users wanted a method to pay regularly online for their orders.

  • Users wanted their favorite items saved for frequent ordering and to save more time.


Image of the persona
Image of the persona

User Journey Map:

Journey map image

Designing Digital Wireframes From Paper Wireframes:

Paper wireframes image
Digital wireframe image
Digital wireframe image
Digital wireframe image

Low Fidelity Prototypes:

Usability study: findings

We’re creating a new app to help people order their meals online. We need to find out if the main user experience, ordering and paying for the meals online is easy for users to complete. We'd like to understand the specific challenges users might face when choosing, ordering and paying for their meals

Round 1 findings: Round 2 findings:

More pick up time and date options lacking More time and date options provided

Different payment methods lacking Easy payment methods provided

Overall easy navigation More images and icons facilitate smoother navigation and ordering


Image of the mockups

High Fidelity Prototypes:

Accessibility considerations:

  • Good color contrasts for better visibility

  • Clear and visible fonts and images for better ordering

  • Good button positioning for easier navigation



“User friendly, easy navigation for everyone”

What I learned:

More about busy users needs and preferences.

Better designing for diverse users.

Including more accessibility criteria in my designs

Next steps:

  • Inserting more language options and text to speech options

  • Further design testing for more users and more diverse groups.

  • Converting the designs to a product