Chibis & Kemono

Flat Color or Simple Shades (one tone shading)

Headshot / Bust : 15 euros

Halfbody / Waist up : 25 euros.

Fullbody : 35 euros.

Add +50% of the initial price for each added character. Price can vary with character complexity.

Add + 5€ to 20€ for a complex background.

I can draw furry, humanoid, feral, gore, NSFW, mecha, aliens.

Complex Shades

Headshot / Bust : 25 euros

Halfbody / Waist up : 35 euros.

Fullbody : 45 euros.

Add +50% of the initial price for each added character. Price can vary with character complexity.

Add + 10€ to 30€ for a complex background.

I can draw furry, humanoid, feral, gore, NSFW, mecha, aliens. I reserve myself the right to refuse a commission.