Eng - Term of Services

* Helped by Mlice's base.

Trouvez ici les Conditions de Vente : Français

This is important that you read the TOS before ordering a piece, digital or traditional. Indeed here you will find all the information relating to its realization, both about the stages by which I work, the conditions under which it is carried out and the rights that relate to it.

I am currently a freelancer! I work from home and do my best to live from my art. However, I often face personal problems, such as anxiety attacks, chronic depression, and health problems (mostly back and neck), which can slow me down in my work.

To contact me, you can use the following networks:

Once in contact, please send me the reference of your character, as well as some drawings that could help me, as well as a little clear descriptive text of what you want. Obviously, I would not copy the work already produced, but I would rely on it to achieve the commission, and stay faithful to the character. I usually answer within 24 hours, after which I can make a quote or provide my price list. Once agreed on the order to be made, I would ask you to signify in writing that you agree with my Terms of Services. When you order an illustration at home, you agree to the following conditions;

Prices and Payment.


To facilitate the passage of orders, both for you and for me, I made price list to give an idea of ​​the price of my work. However, this is not a fixed value, and may vary depending on demand. (Complexity, format, etc ...).

The prices vary according to the tools used, the time spent, the delivery, and thus justify the potential price variations between certain pieces of the same category


Payment is always made through PayPal. I do not accept bank transfers. Payments by check are possible depending on the amount of the order.

You have the choice to pay before the beginning of your order or after the first sketch! Payments in installments are possible from a certain amount. We can discuss the frequency of payment according to your possibilities.

As I am now a freelancer, I only work with invoices, in order to keep track of the sales I make. Other types of payments are not accepted! (except for Ko-Fi)

Payment is made in EUROS ONLY (EUR - € ). For clients outside the European system, the conversion difference is at your expense.


Once you have placed an order and the payment made, you will always go to my queue.

When the turn of your order comes, I begin with a quick and clear sketch as possible to provide you with a preview of what will be your order there after. It is at this point that we can discuss what it is, and I will make any necessary changes as needed. It is naturally possible to adjust, modify or start again. (I purpose you some possibilies) This is also the only stage where it is possible to start from scratch!

Once the composition validated, I go to sketching or line (the liner or the graphics tablet according to the chosen technique), I will communicate it to make the latest corrections and adjustments. This will be the last step where a modification will be possible. Please note that after the validation of this step, any modification will be charged according to its importance.

Inking (traditional or digital); I will give you an overview of this inking. However know that in the traditional it will be impossible to change anything, so be careful not to let anything go to the stage of the sketch! Regarding digital inking it is still possible to adjust small details. Beginning of the colorization; I frequently communicate advancements of the paintings, however you have no possibility of complaint about the drawing. Also keep in mind that traditional colors are limited by the pigments I use; they will never be the same as the ones you see on your computer. Finally, once your order is over, I'll end it signed. For deliveries of traditional pieces, allow a few days for shipping. (Especially for international shipping.)


As mentioned above,I am someone who can unfortunately encounter health problems, which can slow me down in the execution of my work. This may explain the delay between the day of order and the day of delivery.

I keep my customers informed of the progress of my orders via a a Trello Table that you can consult at any time. Thank you so do not flood my personal messenger.

The delays are very variable and depend very much on the illustrations ordered during the "batch" (group of orders relating to a period) of orders in progress, as well as yours. In addition, the "Priority Commissions" system in place favors certain clients if they have paid extra to come first and impose deadlines. Priority commissions come first in the case of an ongoing Batch ONLY.

Overall, it can take anywhere from one to five weeks to get the first sketch, and from 1 to 6 months to complete your order depending on its complexity and size. As you can imagine, a black and white portrait takes me less time to complete than a three shot illustration with ten characters.

Overall it varies between one and two months.

This time limit may not be respected in special cases; especially when it comes to health problems (tendinitis, injury, breakage, illness ...), personal problems, or technical problems.

Do not worry ! These situations are rare and you will be systematically kept informed via message.

In these cases you will receive your drawing within a maximum of two to six months.


Refunds are possible, the amount varies depending on the progress of the order.

If I did not start your order: 100%

After the sketch: 80%

After the skit: 60%

After inking: 40%

No refunds allowed after this.

Contact me if you find yourself in a situation where repayment is desirable. The percentages of refunds are not debatable.

Your Purchases

When you buy an original traditional piece, the price is included in it.

When you buy the original you will naturally pay the shipping costs (including the shipping price, the package and other materials related to its routing home). The shipment is free to France or Belgium. (Excluding Dom-Tom). Count a supplement of 3 euros for shipments in foreign countries. In case of loss I am not responsible after sending the letter. With a follow-up and / or a recommended one you can give evidence.

The digital illustrations and scans will be sent to you by email in HD (PNG) via email or through my in order to better preserve the quality.

I do not sell the digital files including the different layers and the original realization, thank you for your understanding!

Your Rights / My Rights

You have the right to :

You haven't the right to :

  • Share the artwork free of charge around you however, be sure to always credit me!

  • Print your artwork within the limits of your personal use.

  • Use my illustration as reference drawing of your character as part of an order with another artist by crediting me.

  • Sell ​​the digital version of your artwork. Sell ​​prints of the artwork, whether in the form of prints or other objects.

  • This includes redbubble object customization sites.

  • Share your artwork without crediting me.

  • Edit your artwork. (Contact me if you want to do it)

I have the right to :

I haven't the right to :

  • Use your order in my various blogs, sites, portfolios, artbooks ... To promote my art.

  • Use your order to make prints and other goodies for profit, in the context where your order is not attached to an original character you own.

  • Claim your character as mine on the pretext that I drew it.

  • Sell ​​your artwork to someone else.

These rights are relative to my status as an artist-author, and are the same for all artists.

Thank you to read my TOS and for your comprehension ! If you have some questions, don't hesitate to contact me !