

Prices are in gold pieces, equivalent to $10 each in the core rules. 


Very Large Weapons

For creatures of Large scale or bigger, each full increase in Scale increases the damage die by one step. If this would increase damage beyond a d12, instead add AP 1 for each additional increase. 

New Weapons

Grand Voulge

A voulge is a type of polearm for which a heavy cleaving blade is affixed with a spike at the end. While ordinary specimens are equivalent to a bardiche or halberd, the grand voulge is a massive and powerful weapon.

Damage Str +d12, Min Str d12, Weight 18, Cost 20, AP 2, Parry -1, Reach 1, Two Hands.

War Claws

Weapons of the rakasta, these fit over their natural claws. Non-rakasta take a -2 to Fighting when using them. A rakasta can wear the claws and still use their hands for tasks such as wielding a weapon or holding a rope, but they interfere with a weapon with a basket hilt or fine manipulation. 

Damage Str + d4, Min Str d4, Weight 1, Cost 5.