MYSTARA Savage Worlds Guide


Dungeons & Dragons, Mystara, and so forth are the properties of their respective owners. References to any copyrighted or trademarked materials are intended as fair use. In all cases, you are referred to the original sources for complete information.

What is Mystara?

For a more complete answer, I suggest consulting the Vaults of Pandius.

The shorter answer is this: Mystara is the Known World of the classic Dungeons & Dragons game, codified in the Rules Cyclopedia as The D&D Game World. This guide follows the description in the Rules Cyclopedia, incorporating other sources as I see fit, the AD&D versions of the setting as I wish, and the Gazetteers to the extent I consider the material worthwhile. Mystara does not have a complete, consistent canon or timeline, so I am using these published sources much as any DM would, selecting what is most useful, most enjoyable, most logical, and most playable. 


This material is based on the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, known as SWADE. 

Multiple Languages. This guide assumes the Multiple Languages optional rule. All player characters start with Smarts/2 in languages, starting with a Common tongue (Thyatian, for instance, in the Duchy of Karameikos) and any ethnic or racial languages (i.e. Dwarvish).