
 C/ENS Francisco-Juan 

As Resource officer, you handle the Fundraising, Community Service, and Book Room. Being a Resource officer comes with responsibility, you handle the money that comes from the Snack Cart, you look for Community Service that the program can be involved in, and do an Inventory check on all the books and tools in the Book Room. It takes time out of the Resource officer day, as they have to buy the snacks every time they run low. With the Book Room, there are books in there to help cadets with tests and knowledge, tools for the other teams, and a binder that keeps track of what the Resource officer has. 

C/SCPO Diana Mejia  

She is second hand in charge of the snack cart but her job is very important she make sure at the end of the day that the snack cart is outside and restocked to sell snacks. Rember to look out for us outside because we got the best snack for cheap escpesally after P.T