Groovefunnels Review - Is it better than Clickfunnels?

Groovefunnels Review

Groovefunnels Review

Welcome to my Groovefunnels Review!

In this article I want to review a product called Groovefunnels which came on the market in recent times. This is a product I've had a lot of questions about in my Facebook group. The question is “Is Groovefunnels Worth it?” Is it the best Clickbank alternative?” “Is it something that i should invest in?”

The fact is when I started using it several months ago, I did not like it at all. I didn't promote or recommend it to my subscribers. With the way that I do marketing, there were a lot of things it did not have that I wanted, and that I needed.

However that has changed over these past few months! In fact this changed a lot more than what i expected. What I'm going to do is explain a little bit about Groovefunnels, what it is, and what it has to offer.

What is Groovefunnels?

GrooveFunnels is a complete set of marketing tools designed to help you build sales funnels, websites and landing pages to sell your products online. It was created by the team at Groove Digital Inc which includes Mike Filsaime, John Cornetta, Mattijs Naus and Matt Serralta. They are the creators of software tools like Everwebinar, WebinarJam, Kartra and GrooveKart .

Groovefunnels Founders

Groovefunnels Founders

These guys are well respected in the Internet Marketing, E-commerce and Software Development community. They created this product as an all-in-one package for all your Internet Marketing and E-commerce needs. Paying for these services elsewhere would cost you thousands of dollars each year.

For a limited time you can get free access to Grovefunnels Beta for life! I don't know how long they're going to be doing this but I suggest you CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP RIGHT NOW. It will take you to a page where you can sign up for a free account.

With Groovefunnels there is a lot to it. Basically it ties together everything a marketer would ever need to either promote affiliate products or to create their own products. It also enables you to sell these products on the platform.

It includes everything from a Funnel Builder to Email Marketing to a Webinar platform. Therefore if you want all the features and all that stuff, they will start to charge a monthly fee once the beta launch is over.

Groovefunnels vs Clickfunnels

If you buy Groovefunnels full Pro package up front, you will get everything at a one-time price of around $1400. If you buy Clickfunnels alone it will probably cost you about $3564 yearly. However if you were to buy the additional features that Groovefunnels has, you would probably cost you over $9500 yearly. If you do the math, that is a whopping $8100 in savings per year.

Furthermore with Grovefunnels you will have it for life and that includes unlimited web hosting, cloud hosting and funnels. This means you can create as many websites and domains as you want. Also you will never have to pay for Web Hosting again if you buy Groovefunnels one-time offer.

Here is what you will find in the various sections of the Groovefunnels Dashboard:

Groovefunnels Dashboard

Groovefunnels Dashboard

1. Groovepages - This a funnel builder which over time is going to be massive. I think in the future this is going to be one of the go-to places to sell your affiliate products and to find affiliate products to promote. The first thing we noticed about GroovePages is the fact, it is very simple.

Most people who can use a computer with certain design skills can build beautiful pages. It is easy to add text, reduce or increase font size, and change colors. In addition, it takes a few seconds to resize the image, just click and resize it through the right menu.

GroovePages uses the Google cloud platform, so it loads quickly. Almost any type of page will load quickly and have functions such as animated menus. GroovePages ensures that you can create as many landing pages and/or sales channels as you need.

Furthermore you can do this for a lifetime without having to pay extra money. This is in stark contrast to other page builders today. Adding a page is also easy, just click the "Page" tab on the left, and then click the "+" sign to add a page.

2. Groovesell - This a platform where you can sell your own products.

3. GrooveAffiliate - This allows you to have your own affiliate program for the products that you want to sell.

4. GrooveMail - This is an auto-responder service and a membership type of system. This is not quite available yet but it's supposed to be in the next few days. This is a tool I really wanted as I needed a membership area place where people would have to enter a password.

5. GrooveMember - This allows you to build a membership site where people have to either subscribe for free or they can pay for it. You can have your own subscription based membership site now through Groovefunnels instead of paying lots of money for that.

5. GrooveVideo - This allows you to upload and host your own videos. In this section you can check your watch time impressions, and how many people watched your videos. It is quite impressive as you can get all your stats and everything that it provides for you.

These are what are going to be available in the future:

a. GrooveBlogs - This is a Blog Platform that will allow you to create your own blogs.

b. GrooveWebinars - which they are currently working on and it is going to be available in the future. This will be ideal especially for those who want to promote high ticket items. It will have a webinar system built into it. Which means you won’t have to go out and pay for those costly webinar services that can cost you between $100 to $400 a month. GroveWebinars as well as the other tools are going to be included if you pick up the Groovefunnels Gold Plan offer.

They will also be rolling out GrooveDesk, GrooveSurvey and GrooveQuiz when they have the official launch.

There is also an app store, a multi-vendor marketplace, there are going to have API services. Groovefunnels will also have their own payment processing system, their own ads, events and workshops.

You can also do live events, education tutorials, almost everything you could ever want, regardless if you are an Affiliate Marketer or Shopify Dropshipper.

Let Mike Filsaime explaining 10 reasons why you should build your business on Groovefunnels in the video below:

Is Groovefunnels Legit?

Yes groovefunnels is legit, as mentioned it is created by the top Internet Marketers in the business who all have creditable reputations. These guys have several successful multi million dollar product launches in the past and have been in the business for over 20 years. There are thousands who have switched from Clickfunnels to either save money or to use this system that is more user friendly.

Groovefunnels Affiliate Program!

Another additional benefit of Groovefunnels is that if you sign up you automatically can apply for their affiliate program where you earn 20% recurring income for life. Furthermore they have a second tier affiliate program, which means if affiliates sign up under your affiliate link, you will get 10% commissions on their sales too. So there you see they are offering you an additional way to earn some extra money too. You can Sign Up Here to access the Groovefunnels Affiliate Program.

Conclusion: Groovefunnels Review

If you want to be successful online, I highly recommend Groovefunnels for your Online Business. If nothing else, you can go sign up for the free account on there website and check it out for yourself. You can see what all it has to offer, and read through all of the details.

You can now consider whether as an affiliate marketer or a vendor of a product, Groovefunnels is something you want to get started on now. It is really going to be bigger and better Clickfunnels alternative.

This is definitely not a fly by night product! This is one of the products you want to get involved in.

The Official Groovefunnels Launch is October 6, 2020. At that time the free beta offer will cease, and you will have 3 options.

Basic - $99 per Month.

Silver Plan - $199 per Month.

Gold - $299 per Month.

Now what is left for you is to CLICK HERE and try out the free Beta offer first and see if Groovefunnels is the right fit for you.

Thanks for reading my Groovefunnels Review.