Kibo Eclipse Review 2022 - Get My Honest Opinion!

Within this Kibo Eclipse review post, I will assess a complete e-commerce business in a box as well as what you can expect to find within this exciting live training course.

Do you want to open an online store but aren't sure where to start?

It's not easy to start an internet store that offers actual goods. It's very difficult since a physical product or a well-designed website that converts people into buyers is required.

Even if you succeed in doing so, you will face further challenges, such as:

  • Locating potential suppliers.

  • Getting the product delivered to your address.

  • Answering queries and concerns from clients.

Most people fail or give up after a few months due to these challenges.

You would be intrigued to know that you could create a website with a variety of products in minutes!

Kibo Eclipse addresses all of these issues by being cost-effective and providing sophisticated skills for starting a business from the ground up.

Let's have a peek at the Kibo Eclipse system from the inside.

What Is a Kibo Eclipse Course and How Does It Work?

Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton have designed the Kibo Eclipse, a revolutionary new eCommerce training curriculum. This course will show you how to start a physical product-selling internet business without using Amazon or Shopify.

Kibo Eclipse allows you to create a store for a variety of items instantly. Likewise to determine what sells the most, expand it, and advertise it using free traffic sources.

When you apply this technique, you won't have to worry about the following:

  • Warehouses

  • Suppliers from other countries

  • Inventories Management

  • There are no technical or design requirements.

  • Facebook Ads or other forms of paid advertising.

Let's examine why Kibo ECLIPSE is superior to other eCommerce platforms.

Kibo's Eclipse system features a built-in database platform, so you won't have to pay for third-party systems or risk losing sales.

Dropshipping has been around for a long time in the United States.

Through its direct sourcing of products from the US, Kibo Eclipse eliminates 99.9% of the challenges facing dropshipping.

Free Traffic - Traffic is the most important source of internet income, and who would refuse it if it came to your door for free? Kibo Eclipse aids you in this endeavor, which is why I upgraded.

Kibo Eclipse automation helps you to perform 90% of the "Done-4-You" task while saving you a lot of time.

The Kibo Eclipse is the Kibo Code's third installment, which was released in 2020. Kibo Quantum was the second installment, and it was a huge hit. The majority of students make more than six figures per month after completing this course.

The course creators have already stated that this new version of the course will not just be an upgrade of the previous versions. Instead, this brand new Kibo Eclipse course will be completely different, with a slew of new features.

It will focus on major advancements that have been made during the past months. These include a brand new marketplace, a huge source of targeted traffic that is untapped and is twice the size of Amazon. They claim they are currently making over $100k per month in that marketplace.

Here are some of the impressive stats from the new marketplace they have shared so far:

On the Best day: $35,239.45

During their Best Week: $159,978.97

They have spent the past year improving their Kibo Eclipse Software and other related tools, which will simplify the process of running an e-commerce business.

Who Are The Creators of this Course?

Who are Steve Clayton and Aidan Booth

Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton are the creators of the Kibo Eclipse course. As two of the most well-known names in eCommerce, affiliate marketing and entrepreneurship for their cutting-edge training programs and online marketing solutions. They have established a reputation as leading authorities in their respective fields.

Aiden and Steven have been collaborating for almost a decade. They teach eCommerce firms of all sizes how to use online marketing tactics to build their enterprises.

The Kibo Eclipse is the team's most recent training course. Here are some of the Kibo ECLIPSE course's advantages:

The Kibo Code System in 5 Steps:

The working model for the Kibo coding program is as follows. There are five distinct steps in the Kibo Code Model:


Firstly, you use the Kibo system's LaunchPad technology to create a lightning-fast 1-click online store.

STEP 2: Determine the Winners

Next, select a core set of winning products and add them to your online store. Your web business is now ready to sell and earn from.

STEP 3: Decide on a Profit Strategy

You're now ready to start generating buyer traffic. You can start with free and hyper-targeted instant traffic sources and work your way up to low-cost commercial traffic (It is optional)

STEP 4: Intensify Your Sales

In this stage, you'll discover how to use cutting-edge technology and tactics to boost conversions, sales, and profits (included with the LaunchPad).

STEP 5: Rinse and re-rinse

The Kibo system's final stage involves deleting low-profit items from your store while preserving the most profitable ones. Then look for new winning goods to help you develop your business, increase your income, and broaden your reach.

The Benefits of Kibo Eclipse:

The Kibo Eclipse training program is completely revamped and redesigned for today's business owners and those looking to get their feet wet in this industry.

It is an eight-week training course that will teach students new and practical business ideas to help them improve their current assets, raise profitability, and grow their firm.

Kibo Eclipse provides a number of benefits, including:

  • There's no need to be concerned about running out of inventory or supply.

  • This course will assist you in increasing your sales.

  • You don't have to interact with customers.

  • It enables you to build a new company from the ground up.

  • You'll get free tailored traffic.

  • This ECLIPSE course will show you how to promote things and make money quickly.

  • Your profit margin is completely under your control.

Kibo Eclipse Results

Is Kibo Eclipse a genuine course?

The Kibo Eclipse is a genuine course. It provides a one-of-a-kind training program for anyone interested in making money online.

Individuals have been able to earn an extra cent because of this product. However, the most astonishing feature, is that once you complete the Kibo Eclipse training course, making money appears to be extremely simple.

Many people have profited from this program and have made money in a short period of time.

Many people have benefited from this program, which has helped them fulfill their financial demands while also maintaining a respectable level of living. As a result, we can safely assume that the Kibo Eclipse is lawful.

How much does the Kibo Eclipse cost?

The Kibo Eclipse costs $997 in four installments, but if you pay $3500 in one go, you'll save $491 in total.

It is true that this course is a bit pricey. However, it does make sense! Why should you pay someone to teach you how to run a business? Isn't that correct?

In actuality, I never purchase low-cost items since they have consistently proved their inferiority!

If that's the case, I'd like to be safe rather than sorry.

Are There Any Additional Costs to Think About?

Yes, there are costs associated with launching a new firm. For example, if someone assists you in learning to cook, you must compensate them for their time and work. Right!!

Additional expenditures, such as acquiring new cooking equipment, obtaining materials, and so on, must be considered.

The same is true in this case. You should be aware of these additional service fees in order to run a successful eCommerce business. A few examples include domain purchases, site hosting, and advertising.

In the Kibo Eclipse training, Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton suggested eliminating these as much as possible.

Compared to other company methods, e-commerce is usually less expensive. As a result, initial costs are usually lower, and modifications can be made promptly to avoid significant losses down the road.

Let's take a look at the Kibo Eclipse course and see what costs you should be aware of if you're using it to create an eCommerce site. But before, take a look at this:

Domains: Domain names are relatively inexpensive, with annual prices starting at around $15. In the Kibo technique, it would be beneficial if you used an existing domain. It will hasten the growth of your site, but it will also increase the cost of access. It is, nevertheless, well worth the money.

Hosting: Depending on who you pick to host your eCommerce site, the pricing will vary. It will cost you money if you want people to come to visit your website.

There are numerous hosting options to choose from. Shared hosting plans, for example, are less than $10 per month. However, if you want private hosted servers that are quicker and more secure, expect to pay between $20 and $40 each month.

Advertisement (Advertisements): You must spend to attract visitors to your site in order to use the Kibo approach. Internet advertising expenses are difficult to forecast because the advertiser's product influences pricing.

Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton have discovered a way to dramatically reduce your site's advertising costs.

You'll discover how to generate visitors for a fraction of what you're paying now, as well as how to improve and test your advertising and products until they're profitable, scalable, and effective.

First and foremost, the Kibo code eclipse product is offered through the Clickbank platform, which ensures your rights. Clickbank never sells or hosts any potentially harmful or fraudulent goods.

The Kibo Eclipse Guarantee

Most importantly, Steve Clayton and Aidan Booth offer a 30-day money-back guarantee... Here is what they have to say about it:

"If you don't see amazing results within 30 days after implementing The Kibo Eclipse program, complete the workshop training, go through the step-by-step videos, read all of the manuals, use the tools we provide, and attend a few live shows, we will refund your money - no question asked!

They further indicate that the 30-day money-back guarantee is offered because the strategy is designed to help you see significant results quickly.

So there's nothing to lose and everything to gain in this situation.

Kibo Eclipse Launch Details:

Here are the launch dates for the program:

Prelaunch starts: January 19, 2022

Cart Opens: January 25, 2022

Cart Closes February 3, 2022

The Launch will begin on January 19, 2022 with the release of a Free Ebook called "The Breakthrough 3-step system for building a Profitable E-commerce Business in 2022" The eBook will outline the new Kibo Eclipse system and provide proof of the success achieved with the program.

kibo eclipse free ebook

You can also attend the "Master Class Sessions" that will held on Monday January 24, 2022. This will include Q&A sessions, success stories from students and give move details about the Kibo system.

Final Thoughts on the Kibo Eclipse Review:

Kibo Eclipse is a thorough course that will teach you how to start a business from the ground up, drastically improve your sales, and quickly make additional revenue.

This Kibo Code Eclipse training course will assist you in taking your business to the next level by providing you with new and helpful concepts such as no upfront purchase necessary, no need to worry about inventory or talking to clients, free targeted traffic generation, and so on.

By doing 90% of the work as "Done-For-You", the Kibo ECLIPSE course can help you save a lot of time. So, whether you're a novice or a seasoned pro, this training may help you grow your business.

The previous launches over the past 5 years have been a big success for students who have signed up for the course. This is not a fly-by-night type of program but it has a good track record of success and that is a true testament that this e-commerce model does work!

Look out for the beginning of the launch on January 19, 2022. This launch will begin with a series of free training webinars, so you need to bookmark this page to get the details.

Now is the best time to Sign Up For Kibo Eclipse Program and start your own e-commerce business. I hope you found this Kibo Eclipse review informative!