
CONGRATULATIONS to our April Meeting Spinner Winner, Jean Chapman!


MVSV Elks Ladies Volunteering

We are a group of VOLUNTEERS working together to support Mission Viejo Saddleback Valley Elks Lodge #2444. 

If you have an idea of a way you could support the MVSVEL by volunteering, please fill in the form. We will get back to you soon!

Scroll down on the form to get to the bottom. 

Membership, Barbara Coppola

Welcome to a new Elk year!  So far we are off to a fantastic start as we welcome three new Ladies to our group: Linda Manuel, Cathy Urratio and Jenny Buford.  Linda is also an Elk and has expressed interest is working with all of our fundraisers and possible leadership opportunities.   Cathy is the spouse of an Elk, and also is interested in assisting with our fundraisers, as well as supporting our Veteran and Special Kids events.  Many of you already know Jenny, as she is currently the Leading Knight for our Lodge, as well as being chair of several Lodge committees.  We are fortunate to have such enthusiastic ladies join us!


  At our last meeting, the winner of our Membership Drawing for $25 was # 658 – Lynette Holmes.  Unfortunately, Lynette was unable to attend our meeting.  Since the maximum amount for our drawing is $25, this month’s winner will receive $25 if she is in attendance.  


  Remember, since we are now in a new Elk year, membership dues is now due.  We haven’t raised the amount, it’s still $20 per year.  If you haven’t paid your dues for the 2024-2025 year, please attend the meeting on Monday, April 8 at 6:30 PM.  If you can not attend the meeting, please mail your check (no cash, please) to : 

Barbara Coppola

26621 Naccome Dr.

Mission Viejo, CA 92691-4951

Please be sure to indicate if there has been any change in your personal information such as address, telephone number or email address.  


Also, since we are still supporting our Veterans Committee with their monthly food drive, please remember to bring something to our monthly meeting as a donation. 


            Looking forward to seeing you at our meeting soon! 

                        Barbara Coppola, Membership

Click the link above to complete the Membership Survey

Membership in this club is granted to: 

Spouses, widows or widowers of Mission Viejo Elks’ #2444

Spouses of Associated Elks members of Mission Viejo Elks #2444

Widows of deceased Elks who had been in good standing in any other lodge, upon presentation of their Elks’ identification card

Membership dues are $20  for  the year of April 1, 2024 - April 1, 2025 


We cannot achieve our goals without the help and support of all Elks' Ladies and the Lodge!   If you know of a Lodge member or the spouse of a Lodge member with has an interest in becoming an Elks' Lady, download and print our Membership Application.

We welcome new and returning members! 

The more the merrier!