

3rd of July: This is the first marching event of the year, where new members will get the basics of marching and practice for the 4th of July parade. For this, you will need a lyre, tennis shoes, music, and WATER. Bring water. 

4th of July: The marching band will perform in the Fourth of July Parade. We usually meet on Iowa and 6th and will march from there. You need khaki shorts, a purple band shirt, tennis shoes, a lyre and music if it is not memorized. No Hats or sunglasses are allowed. 

Band Camp:  Band Camp is five days of learning how to march. Band camp is typically the first week in August. At 8 AM, you will need to be one the field and ready to march. Wear a shirt to match your section and clothes appropriate for the weather. Sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen are recommended.  It will be very hot and you will be in the sun. Also, bring water. You should find a large water jug- you need enough water to last you throughout the practice. You will also need a lyre.

The first half of the day is spent marching and the second inside. You will practice with your section inside to learn the music. Feel free to bring a change of clothes for this. In between, you will have an hour for lunch.  You can bring a home lunch or go out for food, as long as you can make it back in time.

Uniform fittings and pictures will occur during band camp. You will need to purchase Dinkles ($30) and bring long solid black socks. 

Preview: On the Friday, the last day of band camp, the band will perform a preview for family members. You will wear the parade uniform- khakis and purple band shirt.  

Fall Sports Kick-off: The band will perform as much of the show as prepared. Wear your parade uniform and show up on time. 

Morning Rehearsals: Starting on the first day of school, morning rehearsals will begin. You will need to be on the field and ready to stretch at 7. Rehearsal ends at 8, giving you 15 minutes to get ready for band class. You will need a lyre, music, and your dot chart. It's recommended that you bring a change of socks and shoes. Some people also change clothes.

Football games: The marching band plays at the beginning and during halftime at football games. Report time varies, but you should always show up with plenty of time to get dressed. When marching in uniform, you will need shorts, a t-shirt, long black socks, and dinkles. Don't forget a hair tie to tie up long hair.  Bring a lyre if you need it for School Song, Fight Song, and the National anthem. 

First, the band marches to the back of the field for pre-game. Afterwards, the band sits in the bleachers until the performance. From halftime til the end of the game, students can change out of uniform and may go back to watch the rest. 

After the game, the band is responsible for cleaning the bleachers. You will be assigned nights, but cleaning every night will earn you a pizza party. Bring a leaf-blower if you have one. Report to a band mom for attendance and you may leave when the stadium lights turn off. 

Homecoming Parade: The band performs School Song and Fight Song in the homecoming parade. Afterwards, you will be expected to attend the coronation and play again. 

Competitions: Competitions occur on Saturdays. Report times will come out as dates approach. You should bring a bag with the following: warm clothes for after the performance, money/food, water bottle, entertainment for the bus ride, and anything you need to perform. You will report to the high school and typically will have a rehearsal beforehand. At the competition, the band performs and then immediately gets out of uniform. We stay until after awards, then go home. Everyone is expected to help unload the trailer. 

Drum Line/Front Ensemble

Percussion has additional rehearsals once a week during the months of May, June, August, September, and October.  The rehearsals are scheduled to work best for all students and are two hours long.

Placement within percussion is dependent on an audition with Mr. Plummer. You can contact him at

Percussion Includes: Marching Snare, Marching Tenors, Marching Bass Drum, Marimba, Vibraphone, Xylophone, Electronic Piano/Keyboard, Auxiliary-including electronic instruments


Wind includes any of the instruments on the field, excluding drum line. Some instruments not possible to march with, so email if you need assistance finding an instrument. 

Drum Major

Three drum majors conduct the marching band. They are selected at the end of the previous year as a leadership position. 

Color Guard

Color guard members do not have to be in the band. They have extra practices once a week. The color guard is lead by Carolyn Hurlbut, you can contact her here:

Winter guard is an optional indoor color guard program that teaches skills during the off-season. Dates are yet to be decided. 


Q: Who can do marching band?

A: Everyone. Just sign up for "Varsity Band" in your schedule. You don't even need to be in band- color guard does not require an instrument.

Q: Am I expected to go to all rehearsals? 

A: Yes, it is important that you go to all rehearsals. If you cannot make it, email Mr. Heid.